Just a question. *he turns and looks out the window* You must have drifted for a long time, I see no ships or debris.
"I don't think that's a question but possibly"
*he turns back to look at you* I take it you would like transport to your home Sha'ir?
"My home was my ship. Now I lost my ship. So I'm homeless"
*he looks at you a little confused* You are a Sha'ir, a guardian, yes?
"Yes. However I was never supposed to be one. I'm an accident and I'm not allowed to live in the last city. That's why I lived in my ship"
I can understand an exile from the tower, but the entire city?
"Well yeah. That's how it works"
"Yes perhaps you have a skiff I could take or an extra room on this ketch?"
Hm... Possibly... I believe there is an open room a few doors down, a former Kell's guard quarters. [spoiler]Wow... Thought you hated Fallen allying with guardians?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I hated allying with the whole tower. This is one exiled guardian not allowed in the tower. It's similar to Variks allying to the reef. It's just one that's not liked by the rest of their race[/spoiler] "Well that's good can you show it to me? There's more than one hallway here"
Of course. *he leads you down the hall to your room, it appears to be a former Kells guard quarters*
"Well thank you" *She puts her Monte Carlo on the bed in the room and closes the door* (end)
I could understand an exile from the tower, but the city itself?