So as a person new to the raid ive been looking to find a raid group and I came across a disturbing trend. People with no experience are DEMANDING only to raid with groups that have experience. it goes a little something like this
[quote]new to raid have 2 people a titan and a hunter. need 4 people with raid experience and have beaten oryx only. message me.
Seriously? so now people without experience are demanding experienced raiders? no wonder no one will take new people in. if you don't have experience you shouldn't demand that you have a group that has beaten oryx. you are at the bottom of the barrel. take what you can get.
Edited by Proto6unner: 9/29/2015 8:11:43 AMFor some people it's really hard to find access to a team. So they are asking for help, I don't think this is a bad thing, as long as they don't want to be sherpa'd and are eager to learn. Then again it's so new, and reading the forums it seems already 50% did this raid while about 90% never set foot into it, including me. Why rush? Luckily, I have a bunch of friends and we will start next Friday, I am pumped :-)