fix the issue of getting the same loot you already have when using the three of coins. i've gotten the same chest piece 4 times same helmet 3 times same gloves twice and crap for other characters i don't want to use anymore. but only 3 total weapons..... 2 of which are garbage.
you got weapons? pretty much only get crest of alpha lupi
i've used over 100 3 of coins though. and the chest piece i have gotten 6 times now is the alpha lupi as well.
Its not a problem, its called RNG and it hates you.
yeah it does but i'm almost positive i read that they "fixed" the issue of getting the same thing so much (but for exotics only)
They programed it to drop gear that isnt in your vault or inventory more often, but its still RNG
seems like they programmed it to drop things that are in your vault or on you more often. i was wearing the chest piece, had the helmet on me and the gloves were in my locker. just shitty luck i guess
revision, same chest piece 5 times