[quote]You do realise that the super is all Sunbreakers really get, right? Practically no passive perks for outside of the super. Hunters get invisibility, shade-step, blink, crit-chain modifiers, backstab, throwing knives and super slide. Warlocks can have blink, a huge range melee, over-shield on melee hits and a bunch more things.
Do you see Sunbreakers getting any of these nice tasty passives for out-of-super use? No? Exactly.
Sunbreaker doesn't need a Nerf for this exact reason. Outside of the super it has so little to use in comparison to the other classes, near enough every perk it has only effects the super. That, and the rate of fire (if you like) for throwing hammers isn't exactly amazing, reducing the damage or doing just about anything would make the super practically worthless.
-Nebu the Bald[/quote]