[i]A figure walks the fields of an unknown land to him. He's been walking for miles, alone, looking for any civilization after the war. He stands tall and walks cautiously as he approaches what seems to be Unity. He lowers he L96A1 sniper and slings it across is back, bur he leaves a blade in his hand.[/i]
[spoiler]Open, also new so I don't entirely know what I'm doing. Lol.[/spoiler]
Theron: "Who says we need to all be bad" Theseus: "we are all criminals technically check the bounties of people" Veronica: "So Italian or no"
"I say yes to Italian, and I was a thief before I joined the military. Caused some trouble, got caught, and I was forced to join them."
Veronica: "Okay then" Theseus: "Theron was made to be a soldier" Theron: "Oversharing Theseus"
"Made to be a solider?"
Theron: "I killed my parents after I was born they Genetically changed me" -There's a small silence- Theron: "Well let's go to Papa's then" -They head toward a resteraunt-
[b]He walks silently along with them.[/b] [i]Strange group of friends....[/i]
Edited by BlindSwift: 9/29/2015 10:43:35 PM-You see When they go in a small silence over comes the resteraunt and see some patrons look at Veronica- Theron: "Papa we want Four usuals"
[b]Fatea glares at the people eyeing the group.[/b] [i]They better not start a fight, because I'll finish it...[/i]
-You here people talking- Girl: "Can't believe they serve that kind Man: "They're not even people" Other man: "Wait isn't that guy in the middle who came in yelling protect they're kind" -They seem to be talking about Theron and his friends- 'Papa': "Theron who's your friend and fine in your usual booth" -You see the Three walk towards a booth that's seperated from everyone-
[b]Fatea looks at the separated booth and then glares at everyone. He then follows them.[/b]
Veronica: "It's ok" Theron: "we can deal with it" Theseus: "Fooood" -You see four large bowls of sphagetti's with meat balls-
[b]He sighs and grabs a plate and eats silently[/b]
-As soon you eat your felt with a spicy sensation from the meatballs- Theron: "Good right"
[b]He coughs a bit and looks around for some water[/b] "Yeah... Uh just need some water."
Theron: "yep papa can you some drinks" -A couple seconds later a waiter comes out with a large glass of water and you see the other two eating normally-
[b]He drinks the large glass of water, trying not to look so crazy.[/b]
Theron: "It's okay if it's to spicy"
"Yeah, it's a bit spicy."
"It's supposed to be"
"Yeah, last time I ate was a little while ago."
"Yeah, my base was under attack and everyone had to flee. I've been traveling for about.... A week I think."
"Hmm seems rough anyway you came at a bad time"
"Yeah, I realized it"
"Do you cause there might be a war soon"