Need help with antiquated rune summon, if interested message for invite.
Please be at least 295 and know what you're doing, it's pretty much the same as Crota.
I've got 2 antiquated runes, and I'll be happy to help anybody else that needs it.
Gt: ADK1997285
Need 2 I'm level 302 gt Plex1q be 300+
Need 2 for lv 3 runes Message for inv Gt: im a jit
Looking to do antiquated rune, gtag as above . Xbox 1
Looking to do antiquated 303 titan message for inv
Need help with ant. Rune gt same as above
Need 5, looking to finish in 2 mins for bounty, message GT: Sole Wavy for invite
I need 2 msg me for inv
304 titan looking to do antiquated rune. Have 1 completely charged and one at 2/3 charged. Gt Despised Icon9
Need 2 for antiquated rune must have one and we have to beat the boss or bosses under 2 minutes
Got antiquated rune. Need help with it. Msg ifinalize
303titan with antiquated rune. Please invite. Sirpiteroth
need 2 for antiquated rune. i have one. message paranormal unit for invite.
Message me in game, helping people with antiquated runes
Got 5 tier 3 Got 2 tier 2 20 tier 1 HUNTER 302 MSG ME RIHNEWMONEY
Warlock 305 light looking to do tier 3. 300+ msg for invite.
Have a t3 need alot of people so I can beat it under 2 min skittlesss will help with yours too havee and another 302
Inv me if doing runes light 301 mic
307 lock looking to join a fireteam I have: 3 tier 3s a couple tier 2s and a lot of tier 1s
305 lppl need help with stolen and antiquated rune....inv SHOM3MYOPP0NENT
Looking runes 301L mic
299 Hunter looking for court of oryx group GT: DankNigNug420
305 with antiquated rune looking for members
307 light looking to do antiquated
Need 300+ group
306✨ looking for group Inv EndaStory (XBOX ONE) Have 3 antiquated runes And 3 stolen runes
306✨ looking for group Inv EndaStory (XBOX ONE) Have 3 antiquated runes And 3 stolen runes