The shot dents his armored glove. He shakes his hand from the pain. "Nice shot..."
*she starts firing more*
He moves to avoid the shots. "I'm not here to fight."
*she drops the gun and starts singing*
An arrow made of void light sinks into the ground next to her. A tether latches on and suppresses her. "What part of 'not here to fight' are you not understanding?"
*she keeps singing as the arrow doesn't stop hers from moving her mouth and singing*
He tears off a part of his cloak and ties it around her mouth.
*right as you do, your thrown off the wall*
He jams a knife into the wall to stop his descent. "I'm getting an odd sense of déjà vu here..."
*she starts pulling at the cloth*
He eventually climbs back up to the top of the wall. Noticing that she is tugging at the cloth, he tries to talk her down. "Look... Something happened to you out there, I get it... I'm trying to help you..."
*she looks at you and a muffled scream is heard*
(Hold up, before this devolves into a never ending argument of "yes it would, no it wouldn't." Let's discuss. PM?)
[spoiler]could you reply to me?[/spoiler]