[b]She gets up, looks at Murph and motions her head.[/b] *murph* "We need to talk Python."
*his voice gets quieter* "There's a reason Red couldn't just call in a warship to destroy the planet, apart from her being inside. If it feels threatened, the spreading process will begin. At first we seemed like an easy target for the planet, but now that we've killed the Shade... We're running out of time. Red can get you all out, but..." *he trails off then looks Python in the eyes* "Where's Phantom?"
[b]A'Karo was lying against a wall. Turning from Sol trance to the Darkness Trance was absolutely exhausting. She was completely burned out, both mind and body.[/b]
He looks over at her and smiles, knowing he was the luckiest guy on the team.
[b]she was snoring, tired af[/b]
While waiting for Murph to reply, he walks over to her and sits down next to her.
"Mmnuhh... Python.... sntrrrrr..... pppshshshhhh..."
He leans up against the wall beside her. [i]Should I wake her? No, she needs her sleep....especially after that fight.[/i] [i]I wonder if she'll like Phantom.[/i] [i]Knowing him, he'll make her train and shit.[/i] [i]I'm gonna try to pull some strings to get around that.[/i] [i]Probably best.[/i]
[b]a voice rang in his mind.[/b] [i]I can survive training, you know.[/i]
[i]duh, who else?[/i]
He smiles a bit. [i]You can read minds now? Awesome.[/i]
[i]I always could. Just figured it would be cool to tell you I know what you've been thinking ever since I've met you...[/i]
[i]Hehe......better watch what I think, then.....[/i]
[i]anyway, I'm about to wake up. Byeeee![/i] [b]she slowly blinks.[/b] "Ughnn.... mm.... baby...?"
"Hey Kitty." He smiles down at her.
"Hey... python...!" [b]she smiles sleepily.[/b]
He kisses her, waiting for Murph to pick up the plot.
"Mm... aah... how long was I out? Are we on the ship yet...?"
"Not the ship.....maybe four hours? Something like that. Hard to tell time down here."
"Aww... wake me up when we get there..."
"I think we're about to start moving...." He picks her up, in his arms, giving her a good spot to rest her head.
"Yay...!!!!" [b]she smiles.[/b]
He smiles back, responding to Murph's post to start the arc up.