He smiles a bit. [i]You can read minds now? Awesome.[/i]
[i]I always could. Just figured it would be cool to tell you I know what you've been thinking ever since I've met you...[/i]
[i]Hehe......better watch what I think, then.....[/i]
[i]anyway, I'm about to wake up. Byeeee![/i] [b]she slowly blinks.[/b] "Ughnn.... mm.... baby...?"
"Hey Kitty." He smiles down at her.
"Hey... python...!" [b]she smiles sleepily.[/b]
He kisses her, waiting for Murph to pick up the plot.
"Mm... aah... how long was I out? Are we on the ship yet...?"
"Not the ship.....maybe four hours? Something like that. Hard to tell time down here."
"Aww... wake me up when we get there..."
"I think we're about to start moving...." He picks her up, in his arms, giving her a good spot to rest her head.
"Yay...!!!!" [b]she smiles.[/b]
He smiles back, responding to Murph's post to start the arc up.
[b]she leans on him.[/b]
As she falls asleep, he quietly talks with Murph about a rather......difficult situation.
[b]she dreams of for fuk's sakes[/b]
Lmao He speaks, waiting for Murph to make a new post.
[b]While waiting for murph to continue this damn thing, Jack quietly walks over to a walk and sits down. He sets his two swords beside him and he meditates.[/b]
Python looks up at him, then back at A'Karo.
[b]Flames emerge from his body as he meditates.[/b]
The fire catches his eye and he looks up for a moment, soon returning to talking with A'Karo.
[b]The flames soon look as if they consume him and he disappears leaving the flames lingering.[/b]
He watches him "warp" out, shaking his head. [i]I wish we could all do that.[/i]
[b]You find that the fire just consumed Jack leaving him there but meditating in a better state[/b]
He shakes his head again and picks up A'Karo.