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Edited by FoMan123: 10/7/2015 10:01:06 PM

Let it die, let it die, this post doesn't want to build a snowman


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  • I'm gonna go out on a limb and agree with you. I think you could have said all of this in a nicer way but hey, opinions come in different forms.. We went into the raid with a fireteam of people who have not attempted the raid. It took us FOREVER to figure out all of the mechanics but it was alot of fun doing it! Hey, if you have never done the raid before and want someone to hold your hands through it, by all means, find a fireteam that's willing to do it. If you can't find a fireteam willing, AT LEAST study some videos on each section so your not waiting everyone's time. I will gladly play with people that know what to do even if they haven't done it that saves so much of everyone's time. All you need to do is a quick explanation and maybe wipe a few times for the new person to get the hang of it but after that, it's smooth sailing..

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  • Reading replies. This guy said something stupid and then edited every part of this topic to try and troll anyone who replied huh?

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    • Signed

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    • I like how i juuuust saw your post and how it was about not wanting to play with people who dont know anything about the raid becuase they havent done it yet, and now its made to be an insult to anyone whos already commented on it. reported.

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      • Its cool. You don't sound like leader-ship material anyways.

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        • Then simply don't play with people that don't know it. End of story. Why go and make a whole thread about why you hate being a "raid leader"? Back in my MMO days I was raid leader for almost 10 solid years. 10 solid years of explaining every encounter in a raid 3-5 days a week. Even to people that supposedly know exactly what they're doing. It's a good refresher for you, and for everyone else, even if you've done it a million times.

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        • This isnt an elitist post in any way. I've done the raid numerous times and do invite my friends to play and sometimes we need 2 or 3 others. I post wanting experienced people because of the fact we have taught so many people and kind of dont want too anymore because MOST new people cant even grasp the direction of counter clockwise. Also, working 45 hours a week and going to University, I dont wanna be spending 4 hours on a raid when me and my friends and 2 experienced players cant bang it out in 60-90 minutes. If you think because your new and never done the raid before you deserve to be baby sat then your arrogant. Someone people just play occasionally and just wanna beat the raid once a week and fiish other real life things. I laugh at people who say they have no time to raid because of real life. You cant because your the ones causing 3-4 Hours worth of work for experienced players.

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        • Well I don't play with kids so never have to worry about teaching kids anything, but teaching the raid to new players is sometimes a reward in itself as you can find new ways of doing things. The nice thing about Destiny is there is no one set way of doing things, and growing and learning together is what makes a community good.

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        • Edited by gundam538: 9/30/2015 11:39:05 AM
          Awe it's this kind of thing again. It's sad but you have the same mind as the previous elitist problem that lead to the down fall of gally. I'm sure you remember kicking people or refusing to let them join if you didn't have a gally, same thing. Sad that this serious problem is happening all over again, very sad and pathetic. Anyway you can research doing it on YouTube all you want before attempting something like the raid but you forgot one thing. Watching a video and actually doing it are 2 different things. If you YouTube it you will still need some help and explanation during the raid. You can know more or less what to expect beforehand but you won't really know till you do it. If others like you insist on only playing with "experienced" players stick with only your friends. Besides unless you have done it let say 4x or more for argument sack you really aren't experienced yet. Everyone will be learning kings fall raid for a while still. That's all I got to say. Comment, hate, whatever everyone has a right to their own opinion.

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          10 Replies
          • I just don't get these posts. What's the point? Nobody cares. Everyone has their own requirements, mine is just don't be an a-hole. Obviously you and I will never be raiding together and I'm fine with that. To come here and post this junk though. You contribute nothing to the community.

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            6 Replies
            • How can learn for myself when you can't even let me into the raid!

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              • I get it. And I agree... But. We are a month in.

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                • Then don't teach anyone. Boom.

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                  • My fire team did everything except for Oryx without looking for hints or guides

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                    • People like you should be banned.

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                        No worries bro. Some people don't have the ability to explain things simply. It's not a bad thing, it's pretty common among young people.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Edited by shredder604: 9/30/2015 7:50:55 PM
                          Annoys me when people say they know how to do the entire raid and get to oryx and the person says its his first time.

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                          • >cheating >guidance Pick one

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                            • Edited by Pixel Crisis: 9/30/2015 5:52:22 PM
                              [i]"Now you guys are pissed that I want players that know what they are doing so I don't waste time and don't want to teach you?"[/i] Who are you?

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                              5 Replies
                              • You come off like a complete dick, but your points are valid and I agree.

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                                • Why should we care what some scrub like you thinks?

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                                  • Asshole post

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                                    • I 100% agree with you the most fun I've had in this game has been beating atheon and crota blind (hopefully soon to be oryx too) oh and also going to the lighthouse

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                                    • Please teach me senpai.

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                                      • Edited by Dizco Pat: 10/1/2015 12:25:00 AM
                                        I don't have 6-15 hours to try to figure out a raid without any knowledge. The best teams in Destiny took 7(?) hours the first time through.

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                                      • I wasn't 290 when it hit and then didn't have time to do it when I was and when I attempted it last week 1 team went all the way to Golgoroth and just had brain farts the 2nd -6th did shit at DPS the 7th I could've done the whole raid with them but ran out of time 8th team shit 9th we all had 310 black spindle and shrekt that ogre then we failed at death singers then 10 and 11 teams were useless 12 got me past death singers then couldn't do shit on oryx 13 to 15 only the 15th fireteam we actually got close then I had to go and I gave up by this time it was Sunday so LIK DIS IF U CRI EVRYTIM but I mean I needed 15 fireteam a to get to oryx and almost kill him and I knew what I was doing every time

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