[i]Fiona walks into Unity, she looks fatigued and her lips are dry, she eventually collapses after getting through the gate[/i]
"Who are you?"
You can call me ghost, but the question is who are you?
"F..." [i]She stops herself, knowing that the news was broadcasting her name across the rest of the world[/i]
If you scared of being an outlaw or something don't worry in my normal timeline I am two.
"Normal timeline?"
Ehhh....it's complicated....water?*he reaches into the refrigerator*
"That would be nice."
*yoinks one out and tosses it to you*
[i]She catches it easily[/i] "Where am I?"
My apartment you can leave when you want I ain't got a problem with it.
"I think I'll stay awhile, I have the Japanese military on my ass."
I hate military of all kinds they're all asshats who need to go Fock themselves.*he adjusts his mask*
"Where have I heard that before...Oh yeah, me."
Eyyyy someone gets it.
"I just can't stand any authorities, with their whiney asses."
Exactly! Asshats need to go find something better to do then fap to people who follow the rules.
[i]She suppresses a laugh[/i]
*he chuckles and begins to remove his mask then catches him self and actually pulls it down further*
[i]She notices[/i] "Identity problems?"
No...personal reasons.
"What do you mean?"
Don't worry about it.
"Fine then." [i]She sits down on a chair and unsheathes her sword, she starts looking at it carefully[/i]
*he walks over to the kitchen and you can't see his face as he takes off his mask and pops a pill in his mouth the chugs a water*
"What makes a man so afraid to show his face?"