Hello, I have recently played prison of elders on the xbox one to get rid of some keys and for the whole game there was no sound what so ever. Am I the only one with this issue? There were times were variks voice would cut in or the gun would make the shooting noise but for most of the prison it was soundless. Also, I checked my tv and it was not muted and the speakers work fine with the rest of the game. Is there any info if bungie is aware of this issue? I searched it but there was no results.
Edit just saw the patch in the news and nothing on the sound bugs. They must not care about the sound that a programmer probably spent weeks on. :(
I was just going to start a thread on this and I seen yours. Yes very annoying. They need to fix this asap.
Just posted about this. Glad I'm not the only one and that they're working on it!
Hello, We are currently aware of this issue, and investigating. For all known issues relating to the release of Destiny: The Taken King, please visit this thread: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153798839/0/0
Me too. Very annoying.
Just noticed this today as well
Hi, Bungie is aware of users encounter issues with sound during certain activities. They are currently investigating the issue https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153798839/0/0
its an audio bug Introduced in the patch before this recent one , im on ps4
I've been having some sound issues in the tower so I thinks it's a bug in the game