originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hi all,
I'm trying to select all equipped items on a character, and where possible, selecting the items discipline, intellect and strength. Currently I'm using the API method:
From this result, I'm iterating over the equipped items found in `data.characterBase.peerView.equipment` and cross referencing that with the definitions. Within the definitions however I noticed that all of the stats are the same, using my leg armour as an example, all 3 of the stats are 37 to 63. (which is odd, as it appears my stats are actually 39 - 65.
My question; how do I determine which stats my item has? And how do I determine which stat is chosen as the "max".
Ah, so in order to look at the stats on your actual items, you will need to look at an instance rather than the definition. The definition itself gives ballpark best/worst case scenarios for every stat it could theoretically have.... but only when you roll an actual instance of the item do you receive stats for that item. Try the /Character/X/Inventory/ service instead, that will give you item instances!