If I have arc sword and friend has void sword. Can we both do the strike and both get our separate exotic swords in one run?
You can, but it's a heck of a lot easier if you all have the same sword. That way, you can kill off the other wardens and keep the one you need alive.
I get what you mean man. So there is an actual warden for each elemental sword. Thanks for your help man. Me and my friend will be doing the arc and void one tonight
Each warden may pop up. I only saw the elements that match the swords we were running. Better go in prepared, rather than being surprised and wiped.
Hey man thanks for the reply. So is there a warden for each sword quest? Like let's say me and my friend go in the strike, get to the boss, instead of being just 1 warden, there would be 2 wardens? I appreciate the info
I'm not all to sure. Just completed a run and didn't get a sword out of it. I had the arc blade while the others had void. I only saw the arc and void wardens. It's possible that the solar did spawn and the other two took it out fast. At the very least I didn't see it respawn.