So I was reading about the PS+ Games for October out of curiosity, and saw the games where Super meat Boy and Broken age are the bigger ones available this month, and from comments all I see is people getting upset over the fact that the games are indie games, and a random complaint that it's not Assassins Creed 4.
The point is, iv seen this on other months where indies are in the spotlight for the free games, and there's always people complaint about them, so the point is, what does everyone have on indie games? The thing I did like about PS+ Games over Xbox Gold was due to PlayStation giving me games I would have have been unlikely to buy, over Xbox giving games I already likely have, do you guys have a problem with them, and if so, why??
People hate them? I mean of course some of them are dumb, but not all of them. Wasn't Dust: An Elysian Tail an indie game? Because, I'm not over exaggerating in the least when I say that was one of the best games I've ever played. (and probably had some of the best jokes I've ever seen) [quote]"And don't worry about Giovanni; we'll sort him out." "Yeah! Like the laundry!" "(sigh) Yes, Fidget, like the laundry.."[/quote]