[b]Jack walks away from everyone, his body engulfed in black flames. For once the flames that wouldn't harm his friends are now setting off a blazing heat. He walks silently and heavily [/b]
*Providence watches him, staying at a distance*
[b]He walks away, his voice a bit demonic[/b] "Damn it..."
*providence places Murph's shield behind you* "I don't deserve to have this." *he then walks off*
[b]He turns and picks up the shield, he looks at it with solemn brown eyes. Taking the shield in.[/b]
[b]The center still glows white.[/b]
[b]He tightens his grip on the shield[/b] "Murph... Will always....be here." [b]He walks to the room with all of the remembering Genesis.[/b]