Join us. We see past youre altered "truth" and see reality, not fanatical hallucinations.
The visions do differ between person to person, but the overall sight is clear and always the same. Whether or not you agree, deem the future sight as hallucinations or think of the FWC as lunatics - it matters not. What you cannot deny is that we are and will always continue to be in a struggle against our enemies. This struggle does not call for opinions of Us. Irrelevant. What this struggle calls for is that we prepare for what we know is coming - we know this, all of us, even without visions - and within the fact that you're so shallow to deem us crazy believing in a vision breaks the fundament of your belief. That belief is unity. Casting judgement defeats unity. I do not know the full agenda of the cult, but I know enough. Remember this: we are all after the same thing, and that is our survival. We are not so different, but asking me to join you because I am [i]blinded[/i] does not further the agenda of our whole survival. Preparation, planning, and a bullet between the three eyes of an acolyte does.
While I do think FWC is honorable for their goals of defending the City, I believe they are going about it the wrong way based on their "visions." They are Noble, yet misguided. But we all can agree Dead Orbit are straight up cowards.
The beauty of the cult is such that [i]misguided[/i] is not necessarily related to all. It is simply that you have your collective belief and We have our separate, yet honed beliefs based on what we think is right. You do the same, as does Dead Orbit. Our future is now, and we must all act as we deem correct to secure it whether I like you or you like me.