What's the point of a super if a regular shot can cancel it? Might as well just give rockets out instead of supers.
How about you learn some -blam!-ing strategy and run away from the GIANT FLAMING TITAN until the super is done and THEN attack? You know, play defense since you main a class with low armor?
Just a thought. Or whatever. Just stop whining.
Your pvp stats aren't very good
[quote]What's the point of a super if a regular shot can cancel it?[/quote] Well idk sunsingers can be one shot, bladedancers can be one shot, gunslingers can be one shot, and depending on perks nova bomb can also be one shot. Why is HoS the only mobile super that shouldn't be able to get one shot like the "OP" Bladedancer?
Edited by jakew: 10/1/2015 5:52:56 AMSo then radiance, stormcaller, gunslinger, bladedancer, and nightstalker mine as well get rockets?
I think you missed my point
SO what was your point? In case you missed his, it was: Every other super can be killed with "a regular shot."
[quote]What's the point of a super if a regular shot can cancel it? Might as well just give rockets out instead of supers.[/quote] I'm just sayin all those supers get taken out easily. The titan should be the tank class of Destiny so I don't really have a problem with it having a lot of armor. I usually run away because you can't take it on one on one. I don't want it to get nerfed I like using the super on my titan.
Yeah that was my point. If the tank isn't a tank and super can just get cancelled out and their just glorified one shot kills, why not just give rockets instead? I want hunters to be fast with shitty armor. I want titans to be tanks but slow. Warlocks can be somewhere in between. It doesn't all have to be equal
The Titan is the fast class ... I don't think you knew that. It has the most amour , speed, recovery with a ranged attack a skilled player can cross map with those hammers
Maybe creators just really like titans, they do look really cool lol.
GTF off my forum and try to beat oryx ... Just at destiny some ppl are ... Just a thought
Woow tips from someone who can't go positive ? If every other mobile super can be killed with a high damage sniper why can't this one... Here's a thought shut up and practice you negative kd having bitch ... Learn to help your damn team before you try to help me... A pvp forum and ppl who can't pull their own weight in the crucible think they can talk... You are bad you obviously kno nothing about the crucible or what's -blam!-ing fair.... God damn loser! Here's a strategy play better kid
I'm not big on crucible and play little of it you stupid shit. Way to not address the point that I made. Dont try to confront a tank during its super. Simple math. Negating a point based on KD ratio shows who the kid here actually is
I kno you awful at crucible... You are bad at the who game not just pvp but pve also ... But if you don't know anything about crucible and how to be good at it.... Why jump on a random band wagon and say shit when you don't -blam!-ing kno
I know you're dumping a lot of time into your post about this, but I assure you: no one -blam!-ing cares. Non stop hunter whining on these forums is the problem. I jump in because you're annoying. Think titan is OP? Then play one and even the field. Problem solved
It's obvious you don't kno what's going doctor can't go positive... So don't comment on a forum about pvp if you are ignorant of the subject... Really bru?
Youre a -blam!-in tool dude.
You don't kno what balanced is... You just see nerf this nerf that but you are to stupid to see if it's valid.
I've read plenty. Its all hunters. Its redundant and annoying
So is the super op or not? ... Answer a little but you don't care because you don't mind being bad you would care if the super never ended in pvp so just be quiet. Pvp is half of the game and if your half was -blam!-ed up you'd be pissed too. your prolly one of those ppl who thinks the raid is hard
After playing for 72 DAYS OF GAMING HOURS you no life little shit I'd hope nothing was hard for you. Jesus
Yup and I have 2 acc http://destinytracker.com/destiny/player/ps/Its_believe .. I still have a life it's just I meet up with my real life friends and we play destiny the fam comes destiny ... My army buddies we all play destiny ... Except my gf but I'm getter her a ps4 so she can atleast try it and sorry for being rude
I'm on the titan side for this one. Hunters can eat suck it. Go blade dance your night away
You can be but you with a super isn't something that makes the game unfair but me with it ... Different story
Jesus. You need a job
Lol I'm in college ... But I get paid to carry ppl in destiny lol