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originally posted in:The New 501st
Edited by Esoteric Scholar: 10/13/2015 9:42:05 PM

Biography - Kael Seran

"Kael Seran" Birth date:23 BBY Occupation: Emperor's Hand Operative Born approximately upon the foundation of the First Galactic Empire, whose father was a Republic Senator from Coruscant, and mother was an artist from Naboo. From an early age, Seran was taught by his father to respect and fear, as well as to submit to the order of the Galactic Empire. His mother was viewed as superstitious and religious in the ways of the Force, also often skeptical of the Empire, and thought that Palpatine was evil, begging Kael to never enlist in the Imperial military. At ten years of age, Kael’s parents were both killed in the orbit of Coruscant from a rebel attack on a Tydirium class shuttle carrying highly valued Imperial personnel. The bombing killed Grand Moff Lucazdio, Admiral Voss, four Imperial officers, a small detail of Stormtroopers, six Imperial senators, and few human civilian personnel. Considered a small victory by the Alliance to Restore the Old Republic, or “Rebel Alliance”, Kael Seran grew a dark, passionate hatred for the rebellion... A hatred that would never be silenced, and turned a young boy to a petty life of violence, as part of ruthless gangs in the Undercity of Coruscant. Kael had been arrested 32 times during adolescence and charged by the Empire with disorderly conduct, assault on Imperial citizens, assault on Rodian Coruscanti residents, vandalism, arson, theft, illegal possession of chemical substances regarded as contraband, murder of a Bothan Coruscanti resident, and was held on bail for 20,000 Imperial Credits. His uncle was an Imperial Navy officer who was able to convince the Captain of the law enforcement district to release Kael out of imprisonment under the circumstances that he enlist in the Empire’s Stormtrooper Corps. Upon Seran’s enlistment in the Empire’s Stormtrooper Corps, he remembered the death of his parents in a small rebel attack and viewed rebels as anarchistic savages who despise authority and justice. He held onto his hatred and pledged vengeance and justice for the death of his parents. Kael was also notoriously viewed as racist and humanocentric towards most alien races other than human. One exception was at the age of 15 when he had a sexual encounter with a Twi’Lek female. During a Stormtrooper patrol on Dalari Prime, when disrespected by a Trandoshan traveler, Seran brutally beat and executed the Trandoshan male. The incident was then anonymously reported to the Imperial Security Internal Affairs Bureau, and Seran was again arrested and charged with “Murder under the degree of an unlawful execution of an Imperial alien citizen”. Two months after being imprisoned, the charges were mysteriously dropped and Seran was ordered to appear before Admiral Scalladacea, for a hearing, who worked closely with Governor Tarkin during the Jedi Purge and hunt for Force sensitives. He then placed Seran under surveillance and finally became noticed as an individual by the Emperor. The Admiral assigned Seran to the 22nd Legion, which was a front lines infantry unit. Years after working up the ranks and participating in many battles against the growing rebel threat, killing more than 200 rebels and insurgents during his military career, he was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to the 501st Legion of the Empire as a fireteam leader in 1 BBY, and worked directly under Darth Vader. Furthermore later that year, Kael married Lex Marcandias, an Imperial Navy officer, who he bonded with during his off duty hours. They eventually established residence in the Imperial capital on Coruscant. In year 0, Kael Seran memorialized the death of his parents and took leave with his wife to Naboo to mourn his mother. Upon his arrival to Naboo, the Death Star was destroyed in a Rebel attack, and upon his return he reported directly to Lord Vader on his flagship, The Executor, and was briefed in the annihilation of his team and death of his friends. What made Kael distinct was that he was one of the first few non-cloned human males to be placed in the elite, notorious, and feared 501st Legion. Feeling pain, anger, and hatred towards the rebels for the death of his friends, he vowed to never leave the Empire until Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar were killed. Darth Vader sensed that Kael Seran was strong in the Force and ordered a confidential midichlorian count and saw that they were near 18,000 per cell, higher than most Jedi Masters and Sith Acolytes. Noticing Seran’s hatred and dark side energy growing, Vader reported Seran’s potential to Emperor Palpatine. Kael then pleaded with his wife Lex Seran to leave the military for her protection, which she eventually agreed to, and she settled down on Coruscant. Being praised by Vader for his fierce devotion to justice and order in the galaxy on numerous occasions, Seran served in the 501st Legion until 3 ABY, with the Battle of Hoth and fall of the largest known rebel installation in the galaxy. He was subsequently summoned to appear before the Emperor himself, instead of remaining with his colleagues celebrating their victory. Palpatine acknowledged the successes of the Stormtrooper, but noted his strength in the Dark Side of the Force. He stated that it makes him dangerous, but an opportunity was provided- become an assassin, or die. Seran was then enthusiastically appointed to be a member of the Emperor’s Hand and recruited as a Shadow Operative, to serve as an intelligence agent and assassin for the Emperor himself. He received the title “Sith Inquisitor” and was trained as an acolyte in the Dark Side of the Force, Given grueling training and abusive punishment to become a strong, hateful, destructive killing machine in the dark side of the Force. After brain surgery to implant a neural link to the Emperor’s consciousness powered by the Force, he then constructed his own crimson lightsaber to officiate his induction as a secretive operative of the Emperor’s Hand. However he was reminded by Palpatine that he was not an official Sith, but an agent of the Sith, an Acolyte, and assassin. His mission was to eliminate Rebel officers, force sensitives aligned with the rebels, but his primary objective was to assassinate Mon Mothma at all costs. His appointment was confidential, and the Emperor’s Hand does not officially “exist”. His former colleagues and even his wife were placed under the impression that he worked under the Imperial Royal Guard as a cover-up and this was documented as such. For nearly two years, Kael Seran was an Emperor’s Hand and believed himself to be the only appointed official one. He was trained to believe that he was the representation and extension of, the Emperor himself. Hence, he could take command of all Imperial assets in view IF need be to accomplish his missions. While he always deeply admired Palpatine and viewed him as a hero, he developed a deep and personal bond with the Emperor to where emotional attachment was developed, and a fear and paranoia of the Emperor’s death was constantly resonating. His love became similar to that of a son for a father. While Seran suspected at times that his emotions may be a result of mind control through the neural link, Kael stopped caring and figured that it no longer mattered because he now loves his Emperor hence whatever is necessary to serve him must be done. Palpatine knew of this undying loyalty and developed an unending trust for his Hand, but he still exploited every bit of it to his own personal will. In 4 ABY, Kael Seran was scheduled for a top priority mission on the forest moon Endor. Before being dispatched, he made love to and impregnated his wife (who would later bear his son, who inevitably joins the Knights of Ren decades later). The Hand was given command over the 501st Legion in the gear of a Shadow Guard tasked with defending the Shield Bunker for the new Death Star. But orders changed and he was to infiltrate Admiral Ackbar’s flagship. While enroute in a small stealthy Imperial transport dropship with his Stormtroopers, the Death Star was suddenly destroyed and a great disturbance in the Force was sensed. Seran went into shock and broke down emotionally and deeply mourned, sobbing the death of Palpatine. Going into near insanity, Seran continued his mission to Ackbar’s ship, the Home One. Bursting through the ships’s hull amidst the dogfight in Endor’s orbit, Seran and the 501st deployed and engaged in a quick firefight until they were quickly surrounded by rebel soldiers and forced to surrender. The Stormtroopers lowered their weapons, but Seran quickly ignited his personal lightsaber and cut through a dozen rebels fleeing quickly into the elevator shaft making an attempt to get to the bridge undetected. The other Stormtroopers were disarmed and apprehended, imprisoned on the ship’s brig as high valued targets. While sneaking through the ship’s maintenance alcoves, the Hand was faced with a moral dilemma- execute his mission in spite of the Emperor’s death, or turn himself in to join his men. Out of moral obligation to his men, he did just that, and understood that they may suffer a death penalty. Turning his lightsaber in, Seran removed his dark helmet and was placed in the brig with the surviving men of the 501st. Four days later aboard the bridge of the Home One, the twelve men were given a hearing by Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar for their war crimes against the galaxy. The survivors of the 501st were sentenced to exile because they were deemed “too dangerous to remain alive in the galaxy”. After the infamous hearing, the imperials were never seen again and the 501st Legion, as well as their field commander, Kael Seran, was never seen again. They are presumed dead in the depths of dark, intergalactic space… but their fate is unknown. They are survived in the galaxy by their civilian family members, and Seran, survived by his wife Lex Marcandias-Seran, and their unborn son. -Published 12 ABY by Du Mothma -Edited 39 ABY by Axo Darklighter

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  • [b]Birth Name[/b]: Kael Seran [b]Birth Date[/b]: 23 BBY - *5 ABY? [b]Birthplace[/b]: Imperial Coruscant, Capital [b]Parents:[/b] Sekayis Seran, and Mara Lourd (Seran) [b]Summary:[/b] Sgt. Kael Seran was one of the Empire’s greatest military operatives in history, serving as a Stormtrooper fireteam leader from 1 BBY- 3 ABY. He was highly respected and regarded by Darth Vader and noted for being a strongly linked Force sensitive. He was then secretly appointed to be the Emperor’s Hand operative, trained in combat arts of the Dark Side and “officially” inducted in the ranks of the Imperial Royal Guard as a disguise, but working covertly as the Emperor’s Hand. His fate is unclear, and is believed to be shared with the surviving Stormtroopers of the 501st Legion, as they were sentenced to exile outside of the galaxy as outcasts and have never again been seen. Seran and the 501st is presumed to have died on or after 4 ABY. [b]Occupation(s):[/b] Petty criminal and smuggler (adolesence), Stormtrooper Infantry, Stormtrooper Commando (501L), Imperial Royal Guard (officially), Emperor's hand operative. [b]Personality[/b]: Viewed by his friends as loyal, bold, fierce, and aggressive. Somewhat seen as "abrasive" and "rough around the edges" with his subordinates with dry humor, but honorable and relatable. Fanatically respectful to the Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Known for his "warrior's mentality," fighting with honor was always of his prime concern, and instilling fear and animosity was what he was known for. Seran despises hiding, "setting up", retreating, the use of shotguns, and bolt-charged blasters, or all overpowered weapons of the Empire as he claims it shows no prowess, only cowardly tactics. Though he does admire lightsabers and blades, he hadn't used any until 3 ABY as a Dark Jedi. He longs for the true purpose of Stormtroopers, to brutally and quickly charge the enemy in fast, bold and brutal attacks, relying on "true skill". He encourages Rebel adversaries to face him head on, rather than use small hit-and-run attacks. But he is not entirely ruthless, as he has admit to having respect for the "historical Jedi" and humbly admits to their power and importance in galactic history. He simply believes that a small coup of corruption rose and sparked the rebellion during the Chancellor's assassination attempt in 19 BBY. He developed a small form of respect for his rebel enemies after they developed a more organized, military function and fought more as a power, than as a "rodent". Loyal to the Empire with a hatred for rebels, he believes the Empire has become "too genocidal" and willing to wipe out just anyone, even their own when people make "human" mistakes. He also believes the Empire is too political, too bureaucratic and too wasteful with their funds on unnecessary projects. In his opinion, they focus too much on punishing officers, capturing small, arid outposts, and give no respect to planetary representatives in the Senate. He loathes the idea of a "Death Star" and hates the "elitism" and superficial "brown-nosing" with the power-obsessed Grand Moff Tarkin. Seran believes that the destruction of the Death Star was Tarkin's fault for using it recklessly on Alderaan. A few of his father's associates lived on Alderaan when the Death Star foolishly destroyed it. He is quick to anger, and has no problem voicing his objections to Imperial officers and showing his intense views towards Darth Vader, which Vader has respected and would have never been tolerated from other Stormtroopers. Seran stated many times that he misses the Empire he remembers as a child, the one of the last days of the Republic, and of the first fifteen years of it's existence. Called a noble warrior by his wife, and arrogant and antisocial by outsiders. He is as fierce and combative as he is intellectual. [spoiler]After his arrival on Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy, he became highly silent and cold, seldom speaking to anyone, even his own clan members, and became a "lone wolf' who mysteriously appears on the Tower to receive information from the Vanguard and then vanishes (alone, presumably) to embark on missions on behalf of the Traveler. The Speaker sensed aggression, loneliness and pain in Seran when he first met him, but found that the Traveler's "Light" had given him serene peace. Years later after serving as a Guardian, who would have been considered "Force-sensitives" in his home galaxy, and using the Light, Seran became more "compassionate" and soothing, but retained his cold, elusive personality. Every night he looks to the stars and thinks of his wife and unborn child, and whatever became of them. His loyalty lays with the City, as he knows that he will never go back... and he never did. [i]"The Traveler is my true master and all I have left, now."[/i] - Kael Seran, one year after serving as a Guardian with the Vanguard.[/spoiler]

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