My friends, I want to hear your opinion on the weapons Immobius and Fabian Strategy. I myself see these as PvE based and screaming for Defender, Immobius even suggesting such. But they're cool weapons. I won't dismantle mine and I suggest you won't either. When you grab Defender again, you're happy to have Immobius. When you fight Thrall on Lightswitch you'll bless the Fabian Strategy.
Hunters and Warlocks may do their own threads, if you please.
I feel like the Immobius is the worst of the 6 exclusives. It has two major flaws: Low impact and it's class specific. Look at the Susanoo or the Hunter sniper. They can be used on any class and work fine which allows you to mix and match your play style. But the Immo is forced defender Titan. And then there's the impact. If it was a low RoF Shotty then I could forgive it but it's one of the higher rate of fire shotguns with lower impact. The 45% damage nerf really hurts it bad. You're forced to have to use the shotgun on trash adds like thrall where you can make the most use out of it.