*laughs* I bet I'm pretty sure he's going to try and kill me.
"Probably, he's gotten into eating humans lately so id watch out, it's rather disgusting, you don't know where they've been!"
Well as long as I've got my special dagger he won't be able to kill me by the way my name is Delta nice to meet you.
He shakes it "Grell, and special dagger?"
My dagger has the ability to dissolve and destroy shadows manipulated by Remnants.
"Can I see?"
*pulls out the dagger, it looks ordinary except for the runes carved on the blade*
"Thank you." Grell put on a glove and grabbed it, and then disappearing
Huh not again *pulls out a detenator and triggers the explosives in the pommel of the dagger*
You hear an explosion on a nearby rooftop followed by laughter
*use grappling hook to get on rooftop Delta sees the Remnant on the ground paralyzed from the dagger shards from the explosion*
"Hey so you see the thing is my brother asked me to do that so yeah."
Its alright I figured he did hold still. *pulls out a syringe* you won't be able to move for a while but you'll live...probable. *injects you with the liquid in the syringe*
"I can't feel anything, not even the family jewels! Can you check to make sure you're still there?"
Haha nice try but no *picks up the dagger and sheaths it, then picks up Grell*
"Ooh where are we going?"
Hotel. Your not gonna be able toove for a while with the shards still inside of you.
"Okeydoke." Grell stayed silent
*Delta jumps off the building and lands with a thud and starts walking*
"Didn't feel that."
Of course not the stuff that I injected into you also had a tranquilizer in it you would be in serious pain if I hadn't.
*gets to the hotel and gets a room* next the you see Ishi tell him there is no way he's getting his hands on this dagger.
"I'm hungry darling can we get something from room service?"
Sure what do you want?
"I'd love some pizza." Just then, a black cat with green eyes appeared from under the bed, and climbed up onto Grell, purring "Hey Tatsuki!"