My time is divided between four games at the moment.
Mad Max
The Long Dark
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
I played the trial of Elite Dangerous some time back. Is it a buy or not?
It's a tough learn for sure. But as far as space sim goes it's top notch. Right now it's about ten bucks cheaper than it will be in full release (October 6th) It's a freedom game. Free to make money how you want. Trade, pirate, mine, bounty's what you make it.
I like games like that. No Man's Sky and Star Citizen are on my radar for sure as well. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Is mad max fun?
I'm enjoying it. It's a bit grindy but once you start upgrading, vehicular combat is fun. I took a break from the story line to do some side missions and make my car and myself stronger but I wouldn't call it a hard game.
Thanks It sounds pretty good! :]