I purchased the digital collectors edition of destiny (or whichever included the original game and both expansions) when the game first came out. I played for a while then took a break and had to uninstall the game to make room on my Xbox One for other things. I have since come back to destiny to play the Taken King and have played it for the last week. I should have received the VIP rewards since I met both conditions Bungie has stated I need (both expansions owned before the given date and play taken king before feb 2016). However I have yet to get the quest or items. I think the problem is that when I first reinstalled the game it didn’t install my extra content including the expansions so when I installed the taken king it didn’t recognize me as a VIP. It might also be that I first played Taken King on a friends Xbox One while mine was in the shop who also has Taken King and recieved his rewards and somehow cancelled mine out? Bungie please help is there any way I can fix this on my end or can you help me receive the VIP rewards I believe I qualify for?
bumping for justice and clarification