originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The Taken hunter watched as his long time friend became something else.
[b][i]"No... NO! Dammit! Why?! Why would you [u]let[/u] yourself be taken?! You idiot! You should have just killed me...."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"Korvic, old friend. This power was not the result of an ultimatum. This power was a gift to me. And with this gift, I will finally avenge my grandfather, and kill Dredgen Yor." [/i][/b]
[b][i]"Dredgen Yor? DREDGEN YOR?? He's been dead for centuries!"[/i][/b]
[b][i]"You don't understand. With this power, I can finally make him pay! You do not understand what you have been given, Korvic. Embrace your gift. Use it."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"You are a fool, Korvic. You resist Him, and that makes you weak. Embrace Him, and He will grant you such power."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"Well then, if I'm a fool, what does that make you? This delusion of vengeance has made you blind."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"You're wrong, Korvic. I see now more than I would have seen in a thousand lifetimes."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"This isn't right... There's got to be a way to fix this..... And I think I know just the omnipotent God-Sphere to ask.... All I have to do is get myself killed...."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"Korvic, my friend. You are so mislead. If only you would accept this gift, you would see the truth. I am not the villain, Korvic."[/i][/b]
[b][i]"No... No you aren't. Neither of us are... We're puppets. Look at us... We're his god damn lap-dogs..."[/i][/b]
Edited by overlordkualsi: 10/2/2015 10:41:34 PMThe Hunter twitched unnaturally. [b][i]"We are puppets, yes. But who is the puppet master?"[/i][/b] The Hunter disappeared in a bright flash, the mist that was emanating from where he stood dissipating once he vanished.
Korvic sighed. [b][i]"If I'm being honest, I'd rather not find out...."[/i][/b]
*Meanwhile* Garuud receives a bounty from the Vanguard. Find the whereabouts of the Hunter La'haar. Glimmer and a Heavy weapon engram to be provided on safe return. Garuud put down the bounty notice. "Hmm sounds like fun" He pilots his ship to the dreadnaught at light speed.
(Story continued after said acceptance)
(You haven't been accepted yet bruh.)
(Shit, it did not state that I had to be accepted. Or if it did I did not see it. My bad!)