[spoiler] I did.[/spoiler] [b] He smiles.[/b] "Looks a lot better than the bandana I must say."
[b] He smiles [/b. "Anytime. Your not very talkative are you?"
"Not as much as I used to be"
"Anyway I can change that?"
"Not that I can think of"
"What, you don't have anything fun you like to do?"
"Not anymore"
[b] he frowns.[/b] "How are you supposed to live life if you don't have any fun in it?"
"There are things I do for fun but I often keep to myself now a days"
[b] He smiles.[/b] "What are the chances you can keep to me for a day? Maybe we could do something sometime?"
"Yeah sure" [b]she smiles[/b]
[b] He grins.[/b] "alright, how about tomorrow night?"
"Sounds good"
"Alright, see ya then Kat." [b] he says before walking off into the night.[/b]
[spoiler]Your getting seconds[/spoiler]
[b]she stands up and walks away[/b]
"Not anymore"
[spoiler]Lance keep the dog down[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Lmfao[/spoiler]