I read the first part wrong I though thought u meant super on non super...but hammer of sol is fair in MY opinion because the Titan doesn't have a long range attack...
Aim a hammer in the air and be precise it will go flying, takes about as much time as a 2 golden gun shots, plus most maps don't favor long range and you're a tank so you can get closer
Someone finally making sense... "Tips hat" None of the new maps favour anything but CQC, so many blind corners and compact rooms = shotgun/blade dancer heaven. The amount of times I've hit a wall or ceiling with the hammer is almost laughable.
Yep, it sucks. But to be completely honest, I'm better at sniping in close quarters situations now, it's just a lot harder at a long range. Shotguns are still a thing so it gets kind of annoying...
I can normally get 2/3 kills but everyone crying about 4,5,6 are just plain lying. So many huntards that just don't like a fair fight, its hilarious. Taking the power away from someone and giving it to another or equaling the power out is always gonna upset the person that originally had it. I just can't believe how many ppl are crying about it considering pvp is now about as BALANCED as it's ever been.
I really don't think it's fair, it cannot be countered by any other super and you can't 1 hit KO with anything, while you can on other subclasses