Title says it all. Give me your best Destiny Related "YO MAMA" jokes!
I'll start:
Yo mama's so FAT, she's a bigger bullet sponge than VALUS T'AURC.
Yo Mama's so UGLY, she's the reason Omnigul is SCREAMING all the time.
Yo mama's so FAT, when she sat down, she caused the collapse of the Golden Age.
Yo mama's so STUPID, when the other guardians told her she needed to farm for materials, she went and bought 12 acres of farmland!
-Best Jokes so Far-
[spoiler][quote]Yo momma so fat when she sits on something it becomes forever lost in the dark corners of time[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo mama so dumb, she thought legacy engrams would give her a year two weapon...on week three of ttk[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo mamma is so fat a Gorgon spotted her in orbit[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo mama so fat when she puts on chatterwhite guardians think she's the traveler.[/quote]
[quote]Yo mama so ugly that Truth aggressively avoids her.[/quote]
[spoiler][quote]Yo mama so ugly even Golgoroth refuses to gaze at her.[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo Mama so fat not even Oryx could take her.[/quote][/spoiler]
Cheese Sando
[spoiler][quote]I call yo mama the Bungie forums.
Cause she always full of dicks.[/quote][/spoiler]
Goomy 123456
[spoiler][quote]Yo momma so fat no amount of gorgons will be able to erase her from time[/quote][/spoiler]
Frank The Tank
[spoiler][quote]Yo mama so fat when she was taking a poop Lord Shaxx said, "One final push and victory is yours!"[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo mammas so stupid, she brought windex into the vault of glass.
Yo mammas so fat, atheon opened the time stream and she got stuck.[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Your mama so fat the only time she Raids is when she goes to the refrigerator.[/quote][/spoiler]
[spoiler][quote]Yo momma's so fat, she fell down and made the divide!
Yo momma's so ugly, even cursed thralls stop when they see her!
Yo momma's so annoying, even omnigul can't stand the sound of her voice!
Yo momma's so ugly, hive knights put up shields just so they dont have to see her![/quote][/spoiler]
Edit 1: Holy crap!!! 150 replies already! Keep it coming guys!
Edit 2: 200 replies! This is my most popular post yet, thank you all!
Edit 3: 420 replies!? Wow! Brody would be so proud
Edit 4: Almost 500 replies! (Is this post seriously [i]still[/i] going?)
Yo mama's so fat that valus taaurc need to reload to kill her
Yo momma so fat, she sat on a cryptarch and engrams popped out!
You're momma's so fat, the traveller started orbiting around her.
Your mamma soo poor n stupid, she think guardians drop spare change out they pocket running around in crucible.
Edited by Fadedlegend007: 10/2/2015 4:33:35 PMYo momma so fat she laid down in the bridge gap on the swordbearer part of crota end so everyone could go on. Yo momma so fat that the battering rams on kings fall couldn't even launch her. Yo momma is so fat and worthless that when you lose in trial of Osiris you get kicked back to a new planet named your mom.
Yo mama so ugly that Truth aggressively avoids her.
Yo momma's so ugly!!! She makes an ogre look like a model!
Yo mamma is just like xur, everyone gets a turn and is hopeful at the start, only to leave empty handed with resent and disappointment. Yeah its a stretch...
Yo mama so fat, she pushed the Templar off after the patch.
Yo mama so fat she was on the platform in king's fall and Oryx couldn't slam his fist down. BTW Golgoroth is still hoping to get her digits.
You mama so fat that the platforms fade when they see her jump
You mama so fat when the defeated house of wolves walked by on the sidewalk they started worshipping their new prime
Yo mama so dumb she thought the speaker actually had something useful to say
Your mommas a$$ so fat the Hive often mistake it for Hellmouth.
Yo mama is a hunter.......(shots fired) 8)
Edited by Hank: 10/2/2015 3:22:54 PMYo momma's so fat, your friends ask you if she's the traveler's girlfriend Yo momma's so stupid, she tried to wash the dishes in the ishtar sink Yo momma's so dumb, she thought ishtar academy was the community college you was studying at Yo momma's so fat, gorgon's gaze spotted her while she was in orbit Yo momma's so dumb, when her fireteam says wipe, she asks which side Yo momma's so stupid, she thought lord shaxx sold sex pills Yo momma's so fat, she asked Bungie if the Titan's bubble comes in XXL Yo momma's so fat, when she's patrolling the cosmodrome, she gets stuck in the divide More will come if y'all like the above
Yo mama is so fat she won't even fit inside the prison of elders
Yo mama so fat that armor piercing rounds have no effect
yo momma is so fat, she makes the black hammer look like a hand cannon
Yo mama so fat she couldn't fit into Titan bubble. Yo mama's ass crack so big it's nicknamed The Darkness
Yo mama so stupid she doesn't even think the sunbreaker super is OP
Yo mama so fat that when she went to the tower lord shaxx said "You're crushing them!"
Edited by Frost Prime: 10/2/2015 3:00:57 PMYO mama so ugly, even Phogoth wouldn't pierce the veil of her summoning pit!
Yo mama so ugly even Golgoroth refuses to gaze at her.
Yo mama's so ugly she made Crota run left!!
Yo mama so fat she thought the traveler was a gum ball