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Edited by Taskforcem85: 10/2/2015 3:30:51 PM

Decoding the For Geat Imperative

After noticing the original reddit thread, and Lupis account were deleted I've decided to try and understand what the post actually said. This is what I have so far. [quote]>> FOR GEAT IMPERATIVE >> V724DLG335RRS018 SECRET MYTIKAS !!CS5-8I!![/quote] Mytikas from wikipedia [spoiler][/spoiler] [quote]Most probably ancient Greeks never tried to climb Olympus' peaks Pantheon and the Throne of Zeus (currently called Mytikas and Stefani respectively), which they considered to be the Twelve Olympians' home.[/quote] GEAT is an accronym, but I don't know what it stands for. Everything else seems to be code jargon. [quote]ISR/WARWATCH: ASSETS//SUBTLE//IMPERATIVE AI-COM/CHLM: ASSETS//PROTOCOL//CS5-8I[/quote] It seems like this is a particular Warmind activating the GEAT imperative. Don't know which one CHLM is as we know of CHAR and RSPN, but we also know that 7 exist. Is it possible that 1 still lives outside Rasputin? [quote]FAILSAFE//WRWCx87//PROTOCOL RETURN ROLLING. SCAN FAILURE. ALL ENCLOSED This is an IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IMPERATIVE to SCAN [582-E] (NO HUMAN REVIEW) (NO AI-COM REVIEW) (NO ISR/WARWATCH REVIEW) (secure/GEAT).[/quote] Seems to be checking if two of the Warminds are active to continue the activation process. [quote]Requesting immediate ACTIVATION of Protocol CS5-8I Initiating SCAN [1/3]... IFF Confirmed: AI-COM (CHLM)/WRWCx81-F Initiating SCAN [2/3] IFF Confirmed: AI-COM (RSPN)/WRWCx14-R Initiating SCAN [3/3] IFF Confirmed: OVERRIDE (RSPN) Request GRANTED Processing order... Completed.[/quote] It seems that the two warminds are communicating. What's interesting is this initiative allows for CHLM to go above Rasputins control. This could also mean that CHLM failed to communicate due to the F and the R next to the warmind communications, and Rasputin took over the activation. [quote]Initiating GEAT Sequence GEAT is ACTIVE: synapse to [[EITRI::BALDR]][/quote] Here we get into the next activation sequence [quote]EITRI Stand by for CRITERIA Under GEAT (EITRI) If AI-COM (RSPN/CHLM) is TERMINATED If contact is SKYSHOCK If shiftsource suggests IMMINENT [DISASTER] If OCP: EXTINCTION If STR: EXTINCTION If DSR: CONTACT[/quote] It seems that all of these criteria must be met. We can assume that all warminds have been terminated outside of Rasputin (this is why he's taken over for CHAR on Mars). The SKYSHOCK protocol was initiated against the darkness. The theory is that SKYSHOCK ended the golden age. Immanent Disaster is the easiest one to check off. OCP, STR, and DSR seem to be military programs like ISR. What's interesting is DSR is still active. No clue what DSR stands for though. [quote]Then Activate Imperative CHRISTOSPHERE (Subsection [1]) Then initiate RESSURECTION EVENT operation: (AI-COM: CMWL)[/quote] Before we go deeper it is important you know the Spheres that will be mentioned [spoiler][/spoiler] [quote]The christosphere is the fourth. With the christosphere, no-mind comes into existence—the no-mind of a Buddha, of a Christ, not of a rock. With the fourth comes consciousness, without a center, with no self in it; just pure consciousness with no border to it, infinite consciousness. Then you can’t say “I am conscious.” There is no ‘I’ to it, it is just consciousness. It has no name and no form. It is nothingness, it is emptiness. With this consciousness, thinking is not needed; insight starts functioning, intuition starts functioning. Intellect lives on tuition. Others have to teach you—that’s what tuition is. Intuition nobody has to teach you: it comes from within, it grows out of you, it is a flowering of your being. This is the quality of consciousness called meditation, intuition, insight, consciousness without a center, timelessness; or you can call it the now, the present. But remember, it is not the present between past and future; it is the present in which past and future have both dissolved.[/quote] From this it seems like Rasputin is going to take over warmind CWLM. With the christosphere logic it seems like they're going to combine to become one warmind. [quote]BALDR Stand by for CRITERIA Under GEAT (BALDR) If AI-COM (RSPN/CHLM) is posed THREAT: Level [5-7] If IPDN is compromised If ALVISSMAL is ACTIVE and in SUNDOWN If VOLUSPA is ACTIVE and in SUNDOWN If GRIMNISMAL is ACTIVE and in SUNDOWN[/quote] (I'll post the links at the bottom going to take a while if I keep putting them under deach source) Grimnismal [spoiler]Grímnismál (Sayings of Grímnir) is one of the mythological poems of the Poetic Edda. It is preserved in the Codex Regius manuscript and the AM 748 I 4to fragment. It is spoken through the voice of Grímnir, one of the many guises of the god Odin. Through an error, King Geirröth tortured Odin-as-Grímnir—a fatal mistake, since Odin caused him to fall upon his own sword.[/spoiler] Voluspa [spoiler]Völuspá (Old Norse Vǫluspá, Prophecy of the Völva (Seeress); Modern Icelandic [ˈvœːlʏˌspauː], reconstructed Old Norse [ˈwɔluˌspɑː]) is the first and best known poem of the Poetic Edda. It tells the story of the creation of the world and its coming end, related to the audience by a völva addressing Odin. It is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. Henry Adam Bellows proposed a 10th-century dating and authorship by a pagan Icelander with knowledge of Christianity. He also assumes the early hearers would have been very familiar with the "story" of the poem and not in need of an explanation.[1] The poem starts with the völva requesting silence from "the sons of Heimdallr" (human beings) and asking Odin whether he wants her to recite ancient lore. She says she remembers giants born in antiquity who reared her. She then goes on to relate a creation myth and mentions Ymir; the world was empty until the sons of Burr lifted the earth out of the sea. The Æsir then established order in the cosmos by finding places for the sun, the moon and the stars, thereby starting the cycle of day and night. A golden age ensued where the Æsir had plenty of gold and happily constructed temples and made tools. But then three mighty giant maidens came from Jötunheimr and the golden age came to an end. The Æsir then created the dwarves, of whom Mótsognir and Durinn are the mightiest. At this point ten of the poem's stanzas are over and six stanzas ensue which contain names of dwarves. This section, sometimes called "Dvergatal" ("Catalogue of Dwarves"), is usually considered an interpolation and sometimes omitted by editors and translators. After the "Dvergatal", the creation of the first man and woman are recounted and Yggdrasill, the world-tree, is described. The seer recalls the burning of Gullveig that led to the first "folk" war, and what occurred in the struggle between the Æsir and Vanir. She then recalls the time Freyja was given to the giants, which is commonly interpreted as a reference to the myth of the giant builder, as told in Gylfaginning 42. The seeress then reveals to Odin that she knows some of his own secrets, and that he sacrificed an eye in pursuit of knowledge. She tells him she knows where his eye is hidden and how he gave it up in exchange for knowledge. She asks him in several refrains if he understands, or if he would like to hear more. In the Codex Regius version, the seeress goes on to describe the slaying of Baldr, best and fairest of the gods and the enmity of Loki, and of others. Then she prophesies the destruction of the gods where fire and flood overwhelm heaven and earth as the gods fight their final battles with their enemies. This is the "fate of the gods" - Ragnarök. She describes the summons to battle, the deaths of many of the gods and how Odin, himself, is slain by Fenrir, the great wolf. Thor, the god of thunder and sworn protector of the earth, faces Jörmungandr, the world serpent, and wins but Thor is only able to take nine steps afterward before collapsing. Víðarr faces Fenrir and kicks his jaw open before stabbing the wolf in the heart with his spear. The god Freyr fights the giant Surtr, who wields a fiery sword that shines brighter than the sun, and Freyr falls. The new world that rises after Ragnarök (depiction by Emil Doepler) Finally a beautiful reborn world will rise from the ashes of death and destruction where Baldr and Höðr will live again in a new world where the earth sprouts abundance without sowing seed. The surviving Æsir reunite with Hœnir and meet together at the field of Iðavöllr, discussing Jörmungandr, great events of the past, and the runic alphabet. A final stanza describes the sudden appearance of Nidhogg the dragon, bearing corpses in his wings, before the seeress emerges from her trance.[/spoiler] Alvissmal [spoiler]Alvíssmál ("Talk of Alvíss") is a poem collected in the Poetic Edda, probably dating to the 12th century, that relates a conversation between Thor and a dwarf called Alvíss ("All-Wise"). Alvíss comes to Thor to claim Thor's daughter as his bride, saying that she had been promised to him earlier. Thor refuses as he had not been at home at the time, then tells Alvíss that he may take the young woman if he can correctly answer all of Thor's questions. The dwarf's replies act as an exhaustive list of the sentient mythological entities among men, Æsir, Vanir, giants, dwarves and elves. For example, the sky has the following names, according to Alvíss: [/spoiler] Out of room will continue post below!!!

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  • Grimnismal Synopsis [spoiler]Odin and his wife, Frigg, were sitting in Hlidskjalf, looking out on the worlds. They turned their eyes towards King Geirröth, who was reigning in the stead of his late father, King Hrauthung. Geirröth and his older brother Agnarr had been raised by Odin and Frigg, respectively. The god and goddess had disguised themselves as a peasant and his wife, and had taught the children wisdom. Geirröth returned to his father's kingdom where he became king upon his father's death, while Agnarr dwelt with a giantess in a cave. In Hliðskjálf, Odin remarked to Frigg that his foster-child Geirröth seemed to be prospering more so than her Agnarr. Frigg retorted that Geirröth was so parsimonious and inhospitable that he would torture his guests if he thought there were too many of them. Odin disputed this, and the couple entered into a wager in this respect. Frigg then sent her maid Fulla to Geirröth, advising him that a magician would soon enter his court to bewitch him, and saying that he could be recognised by the fact that no dog was fierce enough to attack him. Geirröth heeded Fulla's false warning. He ordered his men to capture the man the dogs wouldn't attack, which they did. Odin-as-Grímnir, dressed in a dark blue cloak, allowed himself to be captured. He stated that his name was Grímnir, but he would say nothing further of himself. Geirröth then had him tortured to force him to speak, putting him between two fires for eight nights. After this time, Geirröth's son, named Agnarr after the king's brother, came to Grímnir and gave him a full horn from which to drink, saying that his father, the king, was not right to torture him. Grímnir then spoke, saying that he had suffered eight days and nights, without succour from any save Agnarr, Geirröth's son, whom Grímnir prophesied would be Lord of the Goths. He then revealed himself for who he was, as the Highest One, promising Agnarr reward for the drink which he brought him. Shifting from prose to poetry for Odin-as-Grímnir's monologue, Grímnir describes at great length the cosmogony of the worlds, the dwelling places of its inhabitants, and himself and his many guises. Eventually, Grímnir turns to Geirröth and promises him misfortune, revealing his true identity. Geirröth then realized the magnitude of his mistake. Having learned that he is undone, he rose quickly to pull Odin from the fires, but the sword which he had lain upon his knee slipped and fell hilt down, so that when the king stumbled he impaled himself upon it. Odin then vanished, and Agnarr, son of the dead King Geirröth, ruled in his father's stead.[/spoiler] Alvissmal Continued [spoiler]'Heaven' men call it, 'The Height' the gods, The Wanes 'The Weaver of Winds'; Giants 'The Up-World', Elves 'The Fair-Roof', The dwarfs 'The Dripping Hall'. Alvíss succeeds, but is turned to stone when touched by the light of the rising sun. This makes it highly unusual among tales focused on Thor, as he was normally depicted as solving problems using physical force rather than his wits.[/spoiler] To summarize Grimnismal seems to talk on the fall of humanity after receiving the travelers light. Voluspa seems to talk on the golden age, death of the warminds, and rebirth of the world. Alvissmal is confusing as it could relate to a lot of things. My guess it its referring to the relation between the traveler and humans. When the traveler saw that we could answer all questions it froze our advancement. These lead to what we know occurred next. [quote]Then (RSPN) Initiate IMMEDIATE deployment of SOLAR Defense Groups [[all flexions]][/quote] Here we see that this indeed is a past log during the end of the golden age. All logs before this must be describing the communications between warminds to confirm acceptance of activating the defense grid. [quote]If CRITERIA is met Then initiate the deployment of E-NH ENTITIES [[all flexions]] Prevent CIVILIZATION KILL EVENT by any means available[/quote] Further confirmation of activation of the defense grid. No clue what E-NH is obviously important as it's the only thing that requires every criteria to be met. Could this be launching ships into the asteroid field? Is this describing the events before (what many assume) firing on the traveler? I can't be certain, but it seems to be the case. [quote]Under GEAT Expunge all noetic evidence of Transmission 2401[A-I] and the following SCAN 582 [A-E][/quote] Another mystery transmission [quote]BEGIN transmission of SIGNAL_2401-S from (GA = SRPM.BNK.WAR-4) RELAY: from (GA = COSMO.ARRAY) on FREQUENCY [5638] Secure location (GA = SRPM.BNK.WAR-4) Initiate GEOSPHERE Protocol under Security Clearance [WRMD.LVL-9] GEOSPHERE for CORE (PRM)[/quote] Some time after the initial transmission of GEAT can be assumed. GEOSPHERE [spoiler]The geosphere. It is the state of consciousness which is absolutely asleep, the state of matter. Matter is consciousness asleep. Matter is not against consciousness; matter is a state of consciousness asleep, not yet awakened. A rock is a sleeping Buddha; one day or other the rock is going to become a Buddha. It may take millions of years—that doesn’t matter. The difference will be only of time, and time does not matter much in this eternity. That’s why in the East we have been making statues out of stone—that’s very symbolic: the rock and the Buddha are bridged through a stone statue. The rock is the lowest and Buddha is the highest. The stone statue says that even in stone is hidden a Buddha. The stone statue says that Buddha is nothing but the rock come to manifestation; the rock has expressed its whole potential. This is the first stage: geosphere. It is matter, it is unconsciousness, it is sleep, it is pre-life. In this state there is no freedom, because freedom enters through consciousness. In this state there is only cause-and-effect. Law is absolute. Not even an accident is possible. Freedom is not known. Freedom enters only as a shadow of consciousness; the more conscious you become, the more free. Hence Buddha is called a mukta—utterly free. The rock is utterly in bondage, fettered from everywhere, from all sides, in all dimensions. The rock is soul in imprisonment; Buddha is the soul on wings. There are no longer any chains, any bondages, any imprisonments; no walls surround Buddha. He has no borders to his being. His being is as vast as existence itself. He is one with the whole. But in the world of the geosphere, cause-and-effect is the only dhamma, the only law, the only Tao. Science is still confined to the geosphere, because it still goes on thinking in terms of cause-and-effect. Modern science is a very rudimentary science, very primitive, because it cannot conceive of anything more than matter. Its conception is very limited, and hence it is creating more misery than it solves. Its vision is so finite; its vision is so tiny, small, that it cannot reconcile itself with the totality of existence. It is looking from a tiny hole and thinks that’s all. Science is still confined to the geosphere. Science is still in bondage, it has not yet got wings. It will get wings only when it starts moving beyond cause-and-effect. Yes, little sparks are there. The nuclear physicist is entering into the world which is beyond cause-and-effect, crossing the boundary. Hence, the principle of uncertainty is arising, arising with great force. Cause-and-effect is the principle of certainty: you do this and this is bound to happen. You heat the water to a hundred degrees and the water evaporates—that’s cause-and-effect. The water has no freedom. It cannot say, “Today I am not in the mood, and I am not going to evaporate at a hundred degrees! I simply say no!” No, it cannot say that; it cannot resist, it cannot fight against the law. It is very law-abiding, very obedient. Some other day, when the water is feeling very happy, it cannot say, “You need not bother too much. I am going to evaporate at fifty degrees. I am going to oblige you.” No, that is not possible. The old physics, the old science, had no glimpse about the principle of uncertainty. The principle of uncertainty means the principle of freedom. Now, little glimpses are happening. Now they are not so certain as they used to be. Now they see that at the deepest, in matter too there is a certain quality of freedom. It is very difficult to say whether the electron is a particle or a wave: it behaves both ways, sometimes this way, sometimes that way. And there is no way to predict it. It is a quanta. And not only that—its freedom is such that sometimes simultaneously it behaves like a wave and like a particle. That is utterly impossible for the old scientist even to conceive or understand. Aristotle would not be able to understand it; Newton would not be able to understand it. That is impossible to see. That is saying that something is behaving like a line and a dot simultaneously; it is illogical. How can something behave like a dot and a line? Either it is a line or it is a dot. But now the physicist is starting to have glimpses of the innermost core of matter. In a very, very roundabout way they are stumbling on one of the greatest factors of life: freedom. But in the geosphere it doesn’t exist. It is sushupti. The word sushupti means absolute sleep—not even a dream stirs. The rocks are not even dreaming, they cannot dream. To dream they will have to be a little more conscious. The rock is simply there. It has no personality; it has no soul—at least not in actuality. It cannot even dream; its sleep is undisturbed. Day, night, year-in, year-out, it goes on sleeping. For millennia it has slept, and for millennia it will sleep. Not even a dream disturbs it.[/spoiler] Out of room again :/

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