To be honest I like defender class best but I'm just maxing out the sunbreaker skill tree so live with it
Edited by Felonblade: 10/2/2015 5:10:36 PMdefender took a HUGE nerf way back. any super kills it and anyone inside now. and yes i know it says it only will kill the bubble, but its killed me and everyone inside every time. really shitty because its a super that you cant pop and kill a bunch of ppl, its only defensive and in my opinion should work like it used to. right now its like a game of rock (titan), paper (warlock), scissors (hunter) where everything beats rock to play a defender titan in pvp. paper and scissors duke it out and pop defender bubbles matter of factly, seeming happy that we all piled into the bubble so he could kill us all in one super. there is a cure however, its called sunbreaker!!!!