1) constantly trying to tell people that she's a guy
[spoiler]Solved by Griizly Bear: Thaowel[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nvmd Thaowel is d00d[/spoiler]
2) is a potato
3) kicked me out of his group because he's a fukboi.
[spoiler]jk <3[/spoiler]
4) not a very memorable name or emblem. Won't join any groups, but one of my fav users here. My bro, or sis (I'm not 100% sure).
5) constantly posts on his gf's posts. Claims he's not stalking.
6) went on a pg-13 rampage after his "sexual" thread was taken down.
[spoiler]Solved by Zer0: Churches[/spoiler]
7) "new to the flood? PM ____________!"
[spoiler]Solved by Lego Ass: Engrapadora [/spoiler]
8) owns 3manysnakes5me
9) the cool "sexy" mom
[spoiler]Solved by Shannon: herself [/spoiler]
10) successfully catfished Le Cave into thinking he was a girl. Was instantly kicked.
[spoiler]solved by Thaowel: Shae Vizla[/spoiler]
11) pretended to be my alt a few months ago. I guess because he hasn't been active in forever, I can tell you he wasn't actually my alt.
Hint: @lefty
[spoiler]Solved by Stupendous Finn: Humanbeing1701[/spoiler]
12) my favorite shitposter (aside myself). Has a deep love for ocean creatures. (Probably)
13) said she was muting me, but pfft, like that happened.
[spoiler]Solved by coco: herself[/spoiler]
No, it's clearly me. I'm obviously the finest poop poster around.
Edited by remige: 10/2/2015 7:47:58 PMI shall conquer you one day, Cattie. Remember thesamurottkid. *drives moped off cliff*
You've made the best shitpost I've ever seen. But that was only 1.
Hahaha, wait. What was it?
Do you even glub? That post had nothing to do with anything, but you got 3000+ comments. That is a truly great shitpost.
Hahahaha. It wasn't a poop post! It was just for fun.
Smells like poop
U do.
Pfft, nope.
10. Shae?
Yup! I didn't think anyone would get that one :/
i remember shit (¬‿¬)
13. Stealth?
Nope. You're on the completely wrong track.
i dunno |:
It was solved :)
i would have never guessed it was her
Hehe they never do.
hehe you're -blam!-ing gay
You're just upset that you fit the description for #1
but i ain't even upset D: