Ash wandered the streets, his Brotherhood robes on, covering his face, he was looking for information on the one named Lance...
A man in a brown duster and cowboy hat walks past you.
Ash ignores him, thinking to himself [i]Weirdo[/i]
He hastily rushes into an alleyway, and gunshots are heard
[i] There are a few civilians wandering around, chatting and what not.[/i]
He walks up to a market stand "You hear of someone named Lance around these parts?"
[b] He looks curious.[/b] "No. You got a description?"
"Short, green eyes, black hair, carries a katana."
"Uh, the guy I'm thinking of is about 6 foot tall, but otherwise sounds about right. I saw a guy like that in Centra. He was just kinda chilling. 12th street."
Ash leaves without a word, heading to that exact location
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[spoiler]yeah you make it[/spoiler]