I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
need 3 290+ add me
297 Hunter lf Kings fall I've made it to war priest..also have war priest cp if needed
299 hunter Looking to help fresh raid group with first timers or with minimal experience (Or up to deathsingers cp with any experienced group) I know the mechanics and am prepared Psn same as name add/invite/post
Im a 295 light hunter thats done other raids hundreds of times. But never this one and will like to join a team on a fresh start please, i have a sniper and lmg..add Th3_Cr4zY_Cr0
Need 1 daughters cp
[quote]Hey Hunter at 299 with 305 Sniper with Crest and Red Death I need the calcified fragments n also I've finished the raid before GT madenote88
Would anyone mind helping a mute guy through the raid? I'm at the daughters checkpoint and I'm pretty sure I know what to do. I need 5 people who are patient and kind. Thanks a lot! Psn is garensol.
Edited by Hadogon: 10/4/2015 5:37:26 AMNeed 1 more for kings fall. At the glyph part. Add hadogon ps4
290 hunter lfg that won't mind teaching me ropes of new raid add GentooKnight
2 light level 295, hunter and warlock, looking for group add rononline1.
Edited by Rhaevan007: 10/4/2015 5:13:33 AM294 warlock here looking to learn kings fall or nightfall weekly. Anyone interested add Rhaevan007
Titan light 292 first time looking to run fresh raid invite big_killa_007
Looking to do raid, lvl 295 light hunter, psn : BATMAN8155
Looking for more for fresh run need 4 more will be first attempt looking for people willing to teach or don't mind coming in blind with us Psn morsecode-x
295 hunter need daughters / oryx. Ps4 CiaphusCaim
297 warlock looking to do kings fall psn jjl102199
297 Titian with moderate experience facing Oryx Looking to join a fireteam that's already completed the raid once before Add: king_snipez021 Oryx CP
295 warlock. Have a good sniper. Know up to golgoroth and have mic. Add name is the same
305 lock need to do sisters an oryx please only experienced players!!!!! send invite add atomic__jedi with 2 underscores Noooo Noobs!!!
Need 5 for golgorath fight. This is my first time, so knowing what you're doing would help a lot. I have a 297 light hunter with black spindle. If you can help me complete this raid and understand it, add DaTruth903
Need 6 for a fresh raid I'm lvl 292 no experience on this raid add Krazy-Kelb
293 hunter looking to do raid frin start
Need 4 people with NO EXPERIENCE! must have mic and time to figure stuff out :) add KC_CoMet_23
291 warlock lf kings fall first time
need 4 for fresh run
298 lock lfg for oryx. Have mic.