I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
Need 2 experienced 295+ for fresh Add m3551-123
Need 1 for oryx that know what they're doing and done it before. 297+
Need 3 people for fresh king fall raid. players over 290+ add kriis-network
295 Titan I am new haven't done the raid yet but I can definitely hold my own. If you need one more or if you're looking to start a fresh lobby I would love to get in on it. Thanks my name is Murk-U-Down
294 warlock with black spindle, add same as above
looking to do a fresh kings fall raid 293 lite send invt bigsmoke300078
294 hunter looking to finally do the raid...invite me please :) enterthegunho
295 hunter add FaZe_SnIpEr_V2 fresh start
Need 5 for FRESH raid! plz be 295+ with 290+ sniper and experienced who have beat raid before (show emblem) . Also need one defenderTitan. I'm a 302 hunter who's beat raid three times and who runs the relic. Psn: WALK3RWILLWIN1
296 Hunter looking for death singers cp. trying to finish up my first raid. Looking for some good guardians to help me out. Thanks. Add me.
Lvl 290 hunter looking to do fresh kings fall 'be never it before
Need one for glyph cp. add Ponce_12dd and join.
Need one at part before war priest. No exp required but Mic is. Add New-B777 to join
297 titan looking to do raid no experience much appreciation for invite. Psn: tehBosnian
I have the oryx cp but I never beat him. I know what to do anyone willing to help
Stuck on golgoroth. If anyone has the checkpoint add me up
Add me for raid fresh start hunter 292 psn: chengy123
307 Titan looking for Daughters Experienced Group Please!! Psn: Srgt_Pickles
Titan 292 w/ Suros an The smolder.
Need 3 glyph cp
Looking to join a raid team. I have never done the raid before. 294 hunter. I can hold my own. Psn: skyeHIGH_23
I need someone with a checkpoint after the relics part, before the ship jumping bit. Please add: Thomas_v_M
Im a 292 Light Warlock PS4 Add me Gamer Tag: Immortal_Cursed Fresh Run Please and Thank you
2 inexperienced 288 light warlocks looking for raid team (Note we have never done the raid before) Psn: kilerdog12
i need a new team for sister CP. I am a lvl 296 warlock. have yet to kill oryx before but have done everything up to the oryx point. add Helping_Caboose
295 warlock on ps4 no mic unfortunately. If anyone is interested add wilsonkid1993