I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
295 warlock on ps4 no mic unfortunately. If anyone is interested add wilsonkid1993
Warlock light 297 looking for a fresh run add me omnizcience
Need 1 name above power glyph cp
Looking for a group I have some experience but not that much. 294 hunter add Marco-P85 also have warpriest CP if needed
296 Hunter lfg I've made to war priest..also have war priest CP if needed..
295 Warlock looking for fresh raid, first timer. Add me Archanfel_86
Anyone doing fresh raid i never done it before so i need someone whos willing to teach me 297titan add me freddy_5123 im on ps4
295 warlock with exp up to golgoroth looking for fresh. Have mic
Want to run fresh raid Add theski232 ps4
need a team for oryx cp, add me same name
Looking for 2 more experienced players at oryx add Gypsy_GangOrDie I'm level 297
293 titan looking to learn the raid. Have mic, on PS4. add HouBoss713
Lvl 291 hunter never done kings fall looking to run it send a message to WrathOFangie if also interested
LFM Kings Fall 290+ Laid back group Just add me if interested
299 warlock limited kings raid xp, on ps4, youtube lol Add Soulcreation-
Need the second jumping puzzle cp
295 titan lfg for my 1st time please invite if open spot
Looking for Raid group IS EXPERIENCED At Oryx CP Add: Csispaceman
296 hunter, never done raid. reply if you want me to join
Kings Fall need 5 fresh must have mic and light level 290+ add kingolliebollie
At oryx need 5 that know what they are doing add: X_JAKMESS_X
Join ismoke210
Need 2 for kings raid (normal) at deathsingers Add and join wonkeyjoe
Trying for the first time add ismoke210 295 can somebody help me?
285 nightstalker look for raid tutorial.
295 Light Warlock with some raid experience looking for a fireteam looking to do a fresh run of the Raid. Add [b]NuZion[/b]