I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
Search 1 german guy for RAID
Search experience players for raid Pls add me
All characters 300+ willing to teach raid to people on PS4. PSN is vSharkii and I'll be helping starting Sunday
Lvl 300 titan wanting to do a fresh run in kings fall only done raid once if anyone is willing to help me thru it again plz send invite or friend request to hatred1488 on ps4
I'm Titan 297, never completed raid but I'm at daughters cp, never been further than this and I have a general idea what to do, any help from experienced players would be massively appreciated
Lvl 281 Titan for fresh Kings Fall add FixableBarrel need experienced players
At oryx kings fall Need to be experience have to be over 295 light or close and need to have done raid before
Edited by LeonLosthart: 10/14/2015 12:46:57 PM295 Warlock looking to learn if anyone can teach? add L0ST_VAL3NTYN3
297 warlock. Looking to do first run. Psn: TC4theWIN
296 titan. Never done the raid. Psn: MrRynthal
Lfg hunter 294 light
Looking for 1 more
290 hunter with mic. ps4
Looking for first run: hunter lvl 288 invite karhakohna
Looking for 3 more 290 + fresh clear. add me PSN H3iimy
Never played Kings Fall. Looking for someone to show me how to play. Add me PSN EzraKat
Lfg for the old hunger 294 warlock no clue what I am doing psn is the same as my username message me have mic
looking for 3 more. currently on Golgoroth If you dont know how to do it i'll show you recommendations: be at least 290 have a decent special or primary message Quicksman
Looking for 4 to fresh run. Must have mic PSN: ShadowFoxCobra
Need to compleat the final part of the raid tonight need experienced players light level 295+ with a mic, needs to be finished tonight Add QuickScopeBomber for an invite
Need 5 for oryx 290+ light add or message keen_eye-12345
I'm looking for 4 good raiders to run a fresh raid. Im helping my wife do the raid 4 the 1st time so hit me up if you guy's down to run it. Psn Riderm2k. I beat it every week so no worries with me
I'm at oryx cp. Fireteam I had had to leave. My first time doing raid but would like to beat oryx before reset. If possible I'd like to have some experienced help
Hey guys I am new to this raid I've beaten Crota over a hundred times before house of wolves my stats are legit. I really wanna try this raid out if there is an experience team looking to show me around the raid that would be nice im not even looking to complete it even though that would be nice. I have two other friends that are willing to help however they have completed it. Add me at LEGENDARYSINNER
Hey guys looking to do my 1st kings raid ever... Need a patient group of players to help me and explain, I'm 296 hunter Psn same as above on ps4, if you have a full team and don't mind helping me out that's even better
Add MAD-KIRKY doing a fresh run with 3 of my clan members we all have done the raid we just need 2 people im 308 light