I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
Add MAD-KIRKY doing a fresh run with 3 of my clan members we all have done the raid we just need 2 people im 308 light
Looking for a team to help me through the raid before the new week please Level 295 warlock done Upto warpriest haven't past golgoroth yet! I will listen to instructions and do learn quick Add Trotsieee
At oryx need 4
At totems need 5 if anybody willing to help 290 Titan
Lv298 Titan year one player who hasn't done kings fall yet. Anyone willing to help? Have done research and know how to follow directions. Also have a mic. Thank you for this post. So many "must have emb, must have exp, etc... Psn: socalilb33
Hey guys need 4,5 people at Oryx CP. just want to finish this before reset. Never completed this but was running with a group so i have an idea. Add divine_judgment1 or i can join in yours!! Im on ps4 :)
Warlock 300 with daughters CP need 5 experience guardians. [u]Please only experience[/u]. Add kjma1975 and join.
At oryx need 4 ppl add psn
Add nsbeatzent302 Tryna join kings fall raid fire team 300 hunter
at Oryx add psn QuindleBlue need 5 people
Need 4 more for Kings Fall raid Psn:Dominator4SP
Add MAD-KIRKY I'm bored lol so if you want help doing the raid fresh run or a checkpoint then I don't mind I'm light level 308 plus I'm like awesome MAKE SURE YOU SPEAK ENGLISH
Edited by luke240214: 10/11/2015 7:55:12 PMCrota cp need full team must have experience and 290+ with good sniper add luke240214
294 Warlock Need 5 more for Golgoroth cp Please be, at least, my light level Add or message me
PS4 Dominator4SP and backnblack752 Light 299 and 297 Looking to do kings fall for first time
Lf kings fall raid. 291 hunter Psn doyle313
At oryx cp. add RARE_PANTHER
need 2 for warpriest cp, 290 + ll, add and join
Need four for kings fall. At totems add Milkeddry
need 3 for warpriest, 290 +ll add and join
Need 1 for fresh
need 4 for warpriest, 290+ ll, add and join
296 Titan if have ran the raid many times. This is my second character looking to teach and help a friend. Add the name above
295 warlock looking to do kings fall!! Never attempted but can hold my own and follow directions .. W/mic Add:juicelaflare99 if you willing to help run the Kings fall for the first time! Psn:juicelaflare99
303 Hunter looking to JOIN a fresh Kings Fall run Add whysoplur on ps4 I've gone through the raid like 7 times I know what im doing btw lol
warpriest cp, need 5 290+ ll, add and join