I am a 297 Titan and I have a friend whos a 295 warlock looking at learning the raid. Any other need to learn or want to teach?
300L Hunter Bout to Fresh run Noobs welcome PSN: T-Gat94
I'm a Titan light lv 300 I have a oryx cp I need help with if u want to join add blkpower420
Iam a lvl 40 light 295 titan wanting to do kings fall but havent been in yet would anyone be willing to run me through it if so send invite or friend request to hatred1488 on ps4
I need 5 for oryx raid. I don't know how to do all the raid but I know how to do most of it. Add me for inv
Need 1 for kings fall
looking to start or join a fresh raid , 298 warlock
293 titan some xp @ golgoroth add me!
Need two for raid fresh run gt mattynash24 or inv me and another
Need four for raid fresh run gt mattynash24 or inv me and another
Light 295 hunter lfg to teach me raid. psn Badavoko
Oryx cp need 5 light lvl 299 warlock with mic add xxandrew16xx
[b]Dads' Doghouse[/b] As an active clan we are always willing to open our doors to like minded PS3 and PS4 players. We have an extensive social media presence where we provide all the avenues available to help you get the most from Destiny and the Doghouse. Our team chat function takes advantage of different LFG channels for all aspects of your gaming needs. Our Twitter feed also automatically updates within the team chat providing up to the minute clan and Destiny info. With approximately 800 members between both our clan's we have members from all time zones that are available to play 24hrs a day. Our mission statement [b](http://dadsdoghouse.net/our-mission/)[/b] ensures that we promote and recruit like minded people who are looking for a relaxed and chilled environment. For more information on how to join Dads' Doghouse follow this simple process [b]http://dadsdoghouse.net/how-to-become-a-dog/[/b] We look forward to welcoming you to the Doghouse.
Add dant0484 for deathsingers or war priest
New for this raid..I am titan 297 count me in..
Need 5 for fresh run. I haven't been past golgoroth Warlock 295 Mic Psn:xxandrew16xx
Need 1 for daughters. 290+ experience not needed. Add name as above
I wanna help do comfort and war priest. I'm 303 and experienced. Add me ps4 ^
298 hunter looking for a friendly group to do the raid, done 1 full run before got touch of malice and black spindle add Ravenwolfxx
Need 2 for totem/ glyph cp 290 Add KP3___ (3 underscores)
Need 4 for golgoroth add LtTord and know what you are doing
Warlock light lvl 291 LFG Psn =Dredd_Omega310
293 void hunter I've never done kings fall before I have a mic Any groups that need an extra person my PSN is Lcorder1996
Need 3 more for witches message me - joshmaybegray96
Fresh king fall raid Must have beaten the raid 290 and above Add montano0324
Helldjdkdjdjckjd sjdjdb
Oryx checkpoint 299+ gito20