Guys Deej said he can only show us the door/doorway, and Cozmo has Pocket Infinity equipped, why the hell would he have it equipped? Because the description for Pocket Infinity is "You cannot shake the feeling that this is less a weapon than a doorway"
Its the key! We need to do something with Pocket Infinity! I dont know what but something!
Edit: Its funny too cos i abandoned this idea a while ago and told my friends "all we have to do is wait for a specific mission to become the daily and it will give us that fusion core thing or the transmitter thing, bungie will decide when we get sleeper"
Then bam, new quest, it wasnt the daily but a new quest altogether
Has anyone thought about looking around the only other a.i core/warmind we know of(mars)? Or on Venus where Dr. Shims lab was, Rasputin helped them there.
All 50 calcified fragments is the key
Sleeper simulant is locked behind $29.99 add-on dlc door
Pocket infinity has nothing to do with sleeper They wouldnt release something that is a key to a quest that they havnt even made yet The picket infinity has something to do with the vault because of how it was a failed experiment to copy vex
Edited by Yoder023: 10/3/2015 2:43:11 AMWanna know why I don't believe that? Cuz that's what people were saying about the Vault of Glass. Remember? The hidden chest that isn't there?
I will dismantle
I have that gun, I refuse to but TTK for 40 dollars after beta testing for a year.
Pocket infinity needs a buff and Y2 version.
That weapon was the only reason I liked fusion rifles
Whats this door
Makes sense because they both have the same symbol
Edited by uhbito: 10/3/2015 3:04:26 AMNobody has read that Rasputin will only give the sleeper simulant to those he views as allies? In the fallen saber striker we throw a grenade into that spot and blow up that stuff and the ghost says "Rasputin isn't happy", maybe there is a way to do it without destroying that stuff or maybe get one of those exploder shanks in there instead of a grenade.
Bump for later please.
Suicide that grenade hold with a shank and see what that does? Of course getting revived after
Edited by CurtnocC: 10/3/2015 4:00:24 AMNot sure if this is any help, but on 09/20 cozmo ( the community manager ) had participated in an event that is classified. Even the location is classified. The illustrations for the event looks like it takes place in one of rasputins facilities. May this will be help to solving the equation to our mystery gun. Edit: After further investigating the play history i've noticed that he played cayde-6's stash mission 30 minutes before entering the said event above. During cayde's stash you can find a hidden room where you scan a jack of spades. Cayde refers a few weapon manufacturers to certain suits, and when he gets to hearts he says it was for a girl he new. It peeked ghosts interest as it did mine. Could this girl be the sleeper simulant? Are we to find this secret stash with a heart card somewhere?
Bump this shit for later.
Maybe kill the boss shank with a pocket infinity ?
Bumpty bump
Pocket infinity got ninja buffed and is pretty awesome.
Kill shank boss with pocket infinity on nightfall
It's not a key it's a door. It says so write on the damn thing.
Half life 3 confirmed
I think we all need to pay $20 for the next dlc that will probably have the items in it XD
*xfiles theme plays* *puts on spinfoil hat*
My friend has collected 22 across all characters. If you can only collect 4 then let me say this. 4 multiplied by 3 is 12. 22 is 10 more than 12 so how does that work? Bungie said that across the solar system are dark age relics for you to find. Those dark age relics are the fusion rifles for sleeper simulant. Now to justify. He also has pocket infinity (his psn is Mazhareen if you would like to check). Finally he and I have both heard that line from the gunsmith before. I dont have pocket infinity and yet I have heard that line. This is not right at all. Let me say this. If anything is going to happen, you are going to need a crap ton of these relics because some guy is rank 5 gunsmith from handing in multiple of these. You wanna know what he got? HE GOT FIRST CURSE BOUNTY :D Dont believe me. Go look at More Console's videos. This is logic people not BS.
my take: