[b] Lance scales the building he saw the figure on, appearing behind him.[/b] "Didn't your mom ever teach you it's rude to try and shoot people?"
The figure speaks in a commanding, yet familiar voice "The Brotherhood of the Shadow has marked you for death, prepare to die!" He opened fire with a revolver he had concealed
Edited by Will: 10/3/2015 12:37:43 AM[b] Lance draws Savior lightning fast and throws up the shield, blocking the bullets, and throwing two energy slices at the man.[/b]
He lunges at you with an odd red and white sword, simultaneously pulling out a scythe with the other hand
[b] Lance glances the sword off of his katana, drawing a pistol and firing two shots at him.[/b]
The bullets hit him, one in the stomach, and one caught him in the hood, ripping it off to reveal, ash...
[b] Lance grabs his arm and judo tosses him, pinning his arms with his sword at his throat.[/b] "Y-You were dead."
"Second person to tell me that today, but I still have no idea what you are talking about." He spun and kicked your sword hand, making you drop the sword, ash caught it and held it at your throat, while still lying down
Edited by Will: 10/3/2015 3:19:38 AM[b] Lance makes a quantum fissure next to Ash, blowing him away from him and dropping his sword. Lance retrieves it[/b] "what do you mean you don't know?"
Ash flipped to recover "You keep on saying that I'm dead, I have no idea who you are, all I know is that the brotherhood has sent me to kill you..." His strange sword suddenly morphed into a rifle, and he fired several shots towards you
[b] Lance makes another energy shield, blocking the bullets.[/b] "Ash, how about we sit down and have a conversation before I have to hurt you." [spoiler] Lance will win in a fight btw. He's been here longer.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]remember, ash has been trained by the same people who trained Jack[/spoiler] "I have no idea how you know my name, but it's probably best for me to kill you." He charged you, sword and scythe in hand
[spoiler] he hasn't been trained for long. And experience takes priority over anything. Lance is older, trained more, and he's been in the RP longer. That's what determines a fight.[/spoiler] [b] Lance shakes his head, and slows down time, disarming Ash of both weapons, and opening a cut in his side.[/b]
[spoiler]true[/spoiler] He sunk to his knees, holding his side. "If you kill me, there will be more of us sent after you."
[b] He scoffs.[/b] "I don't care about the Brotherhood. I'll leave their corpses decimated at my feet. All of them are little more than street thugs with robes. Now tell me, who do you think you are, and what's the last thing you remember?"
"I will tell you nothing." He spat in your face
[b] Lance sighs.[/b] "Alright, it's like that." [b] He punches him in the face, knocking him out cold and grabbing his robes, scrying to see the history of them with Ash.[/b]
You only see black, except for one memory, it was of Ash as a child, and Jack standing over his crib, smiling, before everything faded to black again
[spoiler]does that mean those are jacks robes?[/spoiler] [b] Lance shakes his head and thinks of what to do about him.[/b] [spoiler] any plans, because I'm not sure what to do with him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]and yes yes they are [/spoiler]
[spoiler] what should I do? Leave him, take him and tie him up, what?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i told ya take him to your apartment and get Evo and swift [/spoiler]
[b] Lance ties him up and takes him back to his apartment, into his training room and locking him to a table.[/b] [spoiler] new post.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]take him to your apartment, grab Evo and any others who knew ash, that should develop a good plot[/spoiler]