Aveline senses constant tension between everybody and stays silent*
[b]you find several robotics companies that make prosthetic limbs [/b]
Looks at certain models*
[b]you see some military modles some have retractable blades, guns, and shields [/b]
Orders a model with a retractable blade*
[b]it says it will be ready in a few weeks[/b]
In the meantime, she sketches something on the data-pad. To almost everyone else, it looks like mathematical nonsense*
[b]a servant brings you some food[/b]
Edited by RealPersianMan: 10/3/2015 3:51:09 PMShe eats it with one hand, and makes modifications to the math nonsense*
[b]the servant leaves[/b]
She then goes to sleep*
[b]a doctor walks in to change your bandages[/b]
She sleeps through it*
[b]a box arrives in your room[/b]
Carefully opens the box*
[b]you see your new arm inside of the box[/b]
Inspects it*
Edited by Kain The Slain: 10/3/2015 4:19:02 PM[b]it matches your specifications[/b]
Equips it, and tries to get a feel for the arm*
[b]it feels strange at first[/b]
She eventually gets the hang of it, and eventually goes to sleep*
[b]a nurse walks in and wakes you uo[/b]
"Would you like to try walking around a bit?"
"If... If i can." she gets up*
[b]she helps you up[/b]