My friend has collected 22 across all characters.
If you can only collect 4 then let me say this.
4 multiplied by 3 is 12. 22 is 10 more than 12 so how does that work? Bungie said that across the solar system are dark age relics for you to find.
Those dark age relics are the fusion rifles for sleeper simulant.
Now to justify.
He also has pocket infinity (his psn is Mazhareen if you would like to check). Finally he and I have both heard that line from the gunsmith before.
I dont have pocket infinity and yet I have heard that line.
This is not right at all. Let me say this. If anything is going to happen, you are going to need a crap ton of these relics because some guy is rank 5 gunsmith from handing in multiple of these.
You wanna know what he got? HE GOT FIRST CURSE BOUNTY :D
Dont believe me. Go look at More Console's videos.
This is logic people not BS.
Supposedly you can collect doubles, triples etc... The last number indicates which you have found.
Theres 4. Per character. Its even in the armoury like that. Noone has more than 4. That guy got rank 5 from doing all gunsmith quests (could do twice during nightfall bonus), all 4 relics, and the crucible quest chain.
I've done all those things and I'm not rank 5.
Edited by SquirtleSquad: 10/3/2015 4:10:10 AMYou did all the gunsmith bounties the day the patch came out Tuesday, then again on the wednesday still under nightfall bonus, have all 4 relics turned in and did all the crucible gunsmith quest steps? You'd be 5. A lot of people missed the Tuesday bounties maybe you did too.
Nope, I got the Tuesday bounties. I remember thinking it glitched or something. However, that day, one of the guns was "Already Tested". Even though I hadn't done anything that day.
You missed something though. If you hadn't you would be rank 5, that's all he's saying
Yeah yeah, I know. I'm just not sure what the hell I'm missing lol