Why would it take 45 for touch of malice and only 5 more for sleeper? No.
And you know getting all 50 fragments will do something and the last 3 will probably be hard as hell to get
Bungie said they haven't released all the taken king stuff yet it's most likely unobtainable currently
Idk, how is it obtained then
once again the reason you get ToM at 45 is because 5 of the fragments are in the Raid, they did not want to lock players out of getting the ToM so they award it at 45. Making sense yet?
But they need items from the raid for the chain for ToM.
that would work if you didnt need to do the raid to get through the parts needed for the ToM
False The last 5 ate from the teir three CoO each week
If you do the Court every week you can still get the touch of malice without the five form the raid as long as you have completed the quest to get the three parts.
No, because in order to get the touch of malice Quest you have to beat the raid anyways...
[spoiler]not my best trolling attempt to be honest. i figured he would figure it out right away[/spoiler]
And yet you need the ravenous heart which only drops from Oryx in the... Wait for it... RAID!
[spoiler]yea not my best attempt at trolling the guy but oh well.[/spoiler]
Sure but everyone can do the raid. Destinylfg.com
Few things, one you obviously have not done the ToM quest. two explain to me why a gun linked to Rasputin would have anything to do with the dreadnaught?