Mars defo! The Carrhae refers to a roman battle!
The enemies on Mars are named after roman soldiers - legionarys and such!
The last fusion relic says the signal is faint! Mars is furthest away/last unlock planet in the game!
Techincally the dreadnaught is the furthest away but it aint a planet.
If the signal is faint it could either refer to the psions hacking rasputin in the mars strike, if so thats worth having a look at. It could also refer to the power getting shut down in the archive mission on venus
Could refer to Phobos. How many of us explored that first TTK mission? Few if any. That would be a faint signal when it passes behind Mars. Also what about PvP maps? Would be a new twist and Mercury is the furthest place we go. Last point, the Reef. Its further away than Mars (but not Mercury). Just some thoughts since nobody knows.