...you should probably give up on life, just saiyan.
I agree. This is what an insightful Destiny player had to say on the topic of beards. [quote]As a 24 year old male i thinking about the customization of characters. I know heaps of cats were writing BEARDS ALOT and i read some stuff and got bored. Like im sure yu guys do but People like beards, dogs like beards, people have beards, dogs dont have beards.. I know i dont want to play the full game as a dogg and im sure people who cant grow beards want to seem more mature and attractive in game with a beard. i think yu should give human males beards, awoken can get face tats and exo should get an extra light in the back of their head or somthing. Also height adjustment would be cool or even body type presets and throw in a burnt face instead of the old fish eye scar. PS if this is read by bungie shout out for making the game i always dreamt of since i was young, your beta is rocking and i wrote this out of sheer bordom while it was down for maintence GIVE ME A DESTINY CONTOLER Like MORECONSOLES and i will give yu real australian money [/quote]