Favorite if you haven't.
Obligatory fp Edit 1: over 100 replies! In less than an hour! Whooooo!
Another edit!: almost 300 replies ...
Unnecessary edit: yes! Over 300! Keep em coming guardians!
Edit meh: 500 replies. Like ... Wow.
Edit 17: golly guys, are we gonna break a 1000?
We're like, so close.
Final edit: yuuusss. Over 1000 replies. Ftw.
yup fist of panic shoved right up him he got fisted lmfao
I killed and got killed by Hammer of Sol while I was using Hammer of Sol. It was pretty hilarious that we both popped our supers in front of each other and killed each other right away.
Just keep jumping around and unloading any weapon you have on and it's easy to solo a sun breaker
What, like it's hard?
I just kept shadestepping and shotgunning him
Edited by DjNormal: 10/5/2015 3:21:33 AMSo, I'm admittedly not so hot at PVP. I had a pretty consistent 0.7k/d pre-2.0, but it's gotten a lot worse since. Anyway, my clan said hey lets go do the weekly PVP, so to mayhem clash we went. I was on my Titan and I figured ok, I've got my sunbreaker with healing/tracking hammers and max armor/agility, I'll be OP and wreck this. Nope. 0.3k/d. Hammer time: Shut down by shadow shot about 30 times. Shut down by various sniper rifles about 10 times. Shut down by an occasional stormcaller. Shut down by golden gun about 5 times. Shut down by a shotgun a few times. My longest kill streak was actually a sword... I was probably getting 1-3 kills per super, if I wasn't killed within a few seconds of activating it. In one match I'm pretty sure the same Hunter killed me about 15 times. I ran into that a lot in WoW, once someone knows you're an easy mark, they hunt you mercilessly. So there you have it. W/o skill, sunbreaker is just a big "shoot here" sign. Once again, I present myself as proof that weapons, supers, etc are all [i][b]skill multipliers[/b][/i] (force multiplier is the actual term). If these things are killing you, it's because the other person was good, not because they went, "Hurr-durr I throwed a hammer!" I'm gonna go play something else for a while, my ego is bruised enough for one night. XD
Solar Machine gun to the face
Gohadoken to the face.( novabomb w/ lance+ angry magic+ bloom) It was beautiful.
Sniper headshot a peach ,,, and when he blew up with firefly he killed his team mate,,,
Signed, my most fun one was with my last golden gun shot followed by a throwing knife
Signed. With a sidearm, no less
Signed 2 snipes to the head now you know he dead
I love going head to head with one while im in my super.
Signed- I one shot them all the time with bolt caster
Nova bomb'd a couple and taken out a few at range while they were preoccupied
Signed, Fist o' Havoc is bae.
Sign with my shadowshot
If you can catch them while they're preoccupied/you have a team that's heard of the concept of focus fire, they're killable. Stay out of CQC with them unless you can sneak up behind them with something like 4th Horseman.
Nova Bomb > Sunbreaker I save my Nova bomb specifically for sunbreakers.
Signed Jade Rabbit searches for head Jade Rabbit pumps head full of lead [spoiler]Twice as long, Thrice as bright[/spoiler]
Signed LMGs ftw
Did it with NLB. I am proud:)