Just thought I'd give those of us who don't have TTK a list of what we can't do. And let me say before I list anything; these are [b]facts[/b] not opinions. I'll write an opinion post later.
Edit: this is also intended to be a list of things unavailable from base game and DLC purchased prior to TTK.
Here's what you can't do;
- You can't play strikes above level 20
- You can't specifically play Control,
- You can't specifically play Clash
- You can't specifically play Skirmish
- You can't specifically play Salvage
- You can't specifically play Rumble
- You can't play any story missions that you pick above their original level (i.e. A level 3 story mission cannot be dialed up to a level 20 or 32)
- It looks like there are no Weekly or Daily Strikes for anyone, but expect not to be able to play any of those either once next weeks reset rolls around
- *You can't play Trials when that comes around
- *You can't play Iron Banner when that comes around
This list is in development, let me know if there's anything I missed. Hope this list helps.
[b]edit[/b]: Control and Clash can be played in the Classic 6v6 option, on year one maps but it says it's mixed
[b]edit[/b]: it looks like all of the classic options lump together the modes you can't play, so 3v3 includes a mix of skirmish and salvage, and free for all classic includes rumble. However for the Classic 3v3 and 6v6 you cannot specifically pic one mode
[b]edit[/b]: you can not get PoE keys from bounties since there is no option to do so (I'm not sure if the bounties are there in the TTK update, but the only way I see us being able to get them is from the PoE mini chests.)
[b]edit[/b] it's truly amazing how many people view this post as opinionated or that it somehow says anything about what I'm doing. I weep for humanity. But thank you for those of you who have commented and shared your thoughts. The goal of this post was to inform, glad I could help.
[b]edit[/b]: no Eris morn or Queens bounties (however is this true for TTK users as well?)
i think its fair to say we've had alot of issues to sweep under the carpet as it were, when its come to destiny and its dlcs; its pathetic storytelling, long overpowered pvp weapons (lookin' at you, thorn and vex), being unable to upgrade your hard-earned legendary gear if you do buy ttk and more, but now theyve gone too far. Taking away core elements of the VANILLA gameplay just because you dont want to purchase / cant afford the new dlc? sleazy bastards. This is utterly unacceptable. Basically like an mmo subscription, dont pay the fee? you cant play, except that was never explicitly explained as being part of the destiny formula, and lets not kid ourselves, destiny does not offer anywhere near the amount of content mmo expansions do. I cant believe bungie would be so brazen, so arrogant in thinking they could get away with this. Its tempting to just say that, even if they do listen to the fan complaints and put stuff like level 28 strikes back in the base game, i wont be purchasing an destiny dlc or sequel again, simply for trying to pull a god-awful stunt like this. They dont deserve our money, and we vote with our wallets.