[b]Welcome to the King's Fall Raid Finder.[/b]
[b] If looking for a group put down what class and light level you are and how far you have gotten through the raid. If looking for more people to join for the raid group type what area you are on in the raid what class you are looking for, what light level requirement there is, what weapons if you are looking for weapon specific. [/b]
[u]If you need help with raids message me on Xbox One or add me. GamerTag is "VeNom Macgruber" if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you.[/u]
King's Fall Raid Checkpoints or Boss
- Totems
- Warpriest
- Golgoroth
- Deathsingers
- Oryx
- Normal Mode Preferred 290+ Light but 285+ is OK
-Hard Mode 310+ Light but 307+ is OK
[u]Venom Macgruber[/u]
My Profiles:
- Level 40 Titan, 317 Light
- Level 40 Warlock, 317 Light
- Level 40 Hunter, 316 Light
299 Titan looking for a normal fresh. GT same as name. Have done it before. Send and invite.
302 Hunter looking for fresh run. I've beaten it on normal but not hard. I'll help with any difficulty though. I have a mic. GT: JairedStar You can send me an invite here.
LF1M for fresh Hardmode raid. Must know all fights and have a mic message me xbox. GT same as above.
LFM for Hardmode fresh run KFR. Must be 310+ light level. Must have beaten hard mode raid and have a mic message me on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
Need 5 for hard mode warpriest cp, must have completed hard mode and be over 310 light, must have spindle
LF3M for Hardmode fresh run KFR. Must be 310+ light level. Must have beaten hard mode raid and have a mic message me on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
307 Hunter I've beaten oryx and the whole hard raid on this character need a Freshrun please send me a invite or a message on here for a invite my username is the same as my gamer tag I also know the no night strategy on oryx
LF5M for Hardmode fresh run KFR. Must be 310+ light level. Must have beaten hard mode raid and have a mic message me on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
LFM for fresh run Hardmode. Need to be 310+ light level. Need mic and have completed Hardmode raid before. Message me on xbox for invite GT same as above.
LFM for fresh run Hardmode. Need to en 310+ light level have malice. Need mic and have completed Hardmode raid before. Message me on xbox for invite GT same as above.
LF2M for Fresh hard mode raid. Helping two friend go through Hardmode. Message me on xbox for invite GT same as above. I'm a 314 Titan.
316 Titan looking for a fresh taken king raid on Xbox One. Gamertag: L N 0 M E R C Y ( 0 is a zero)
LF3M must be 310+ Light level. On oryx hard mode checkpoint. Must have completed hard mode before. Message me on xbox GT same as above.
LF5M for Fresh Hardmode. Must be 310+ light level. Must have beaten hard mode. Message me on xbox GT same as above.
Looking to do gorgarth normal raid. I have a mic and I'm 303 warlock who needs two people Gt pinkbobo
LF4M for Hard mode Oryx checkpoint. Must be 310+ light level. Have malic. Completed hard mode raid and a mic. Message me on xbox for invite. GT same as above.
LF3M for Oryx checkpoint must be 311+ light and have a mic. Must know the whole fight. Message me on xbox for a invite Gamertag is same as above.
LF4M for oryx checkout must be 311+ light. Need 1 Titan and 1 hunter and what other 2 classes. Must have a mic and know the boss fight. Message me on xbox GT same as above.
LFM for Hard mode Oryx check must be 311+ light. Must have a mic and hard mode emblem. Message me on xbox one for invite.
Need a Titan for fresh HARD MODE KFR need to be at least 305+ message me on xbox for invite GT same as above.
Helping groups out in raid. 309 Titan. First invite I'll accept. GT same as above.
Helping groups out in raid. 309 Titan with spindle sleeper and malic. Invite me first invite I'll accept. GT same as above.
[quote]Need 3 for 300+ Fresh run, message for invite, GT=Name
GT:shimzie need three at death singers 300+ and touch of malice would be good
Looking for 3 more for fresh KFR raid GT same as above.
Looking for more for KFR need to be 295+ light fresh run. Message me on xbox GT same as above.