Gjallarhorn 2.0
Cause it's like the Spartan laser from halo, and people say it's the next jellyhorn
It's not going to be like the gjallahorn, it's a special anyway. It will be doing damage inbetween the body shot and precision shot damage of a 37 impact sniper. It is balanced out by its 3 clip, and longer than normal charge time. Yes it does lots of damage, but it will just be novelty as people good snipers will be able to do more overall damage by hitting precision shots, and faster because they have no charge time. Its basically queensbreaker bow with a long charge time and bullets that rebound off surfaces 5 times
The SS is a heavy weapon fusion rifle.
I'm not trying to be a dick just curious is there a reason everyone says Sleeper Stimulant? It's Simulant. Just curious if it's auto correct or just because it's a common spelling mistake. Just trying to figure it out :P
Edited by Ampliffyy0614: 10/4/2015 1:12:27 PMOh right, to me it's autocorrect.
I figured =p my comp says simulant isn't a word so does my phone so figured