[i]Etana and Jenna run across the buildings of Centra training. Etana slides and attempts to cut at Jenna's legs with his [url=http://pre10.deviantart.net/cac4/th/pre/f/2007/302/9/6/cursed_katana_by_screamus.jpg]katana[/url] but, Jenna slams her [url=http://pre01.deviantart.net/0db4/th/pre/f/2014/217/d/5/d555c771a35c9f970d9cbfb108260d18-d7tslam.png]sword[/url]downwards to guard causing Etana slid and spin past her. He slides on his knees and jumps up to his feet[/i]
Etana:"Not bad sis."
[i]Jenna runs at top speed to Etana keeping her sword low, once she gets close enough she sends her sword upwards but Etana parries the attack causing her stagger back. Jenna does a back hand spring to catch herself before Etana can strike once more. Etana does a corkscrew spin in air and send his sword downwards upon Jenna she manages to guard but she's to tired to keep her strength to push him away.[/i]
Etana:"You've improved tremendously."
Jenna:"Thanks, one day. I'll beat you."
[i]They both laugh and sheath their swords. They bow in respect for each other.[/i]
-Theron is seen taking his shirt off on a nearby rooftop after swinging a golf club and creaming GODAMNIT-
[i]Etana is currently talking to Trinity and Jenna teleports over to Theron[/i] "What's up tiger woods?"
"Ha ha it's me trying to get back on balance"
"What happened?"
"The bruise to my back it did something I can't shoot straight or swing straight either watch" -He pulls out his sniper and aims at a can not to far away and shoots but misses-
"You should get that checked out."
"Yeah maybe" -He put's his gun down-
"So how did you get the bruises?"
"Ash stomped on my back twice"
"Ouch, and now he's back to normal and getting married."
"I know" -He holds up a letter-
"Are you going?"
"Yeah I'm one of the groomsman, besides I don't blame him though Licanis and Elizabeth aren't going and Hashmael says he won't go without his uniform"
"Why aren't the girls going?"
"Something about having something to do that day" -meanwhile at his house- Elizabeth: "do they really get that big" Licanis: "of course melons grow strong and big"
"Wonder what it is."
"Yeah I know"
"Oh wait you said you were a groomsman? That's good, You and Ash must be close."
"Not entirly"
"We were just kinda co-workers nothing else really"
"Ahh, I see now."
"Yeah I think he just needed one more so I was the guy he went to plus I think he feels bad"
"Why do you think that?"
"I think he feels bad about the whole almost breaking my back thing, anyway why'd you come over here"