This may fall on deff ears but please can a bungie representive ban a user please?
They spam invited me during a vanguard heroic strike which caused my game to crash and for myself to be sent to orbit losing me my spree bonus, this normally would not bother me but I was playing to try and get the mission that I was in so I could be in with a chance to get a Pacific strike drop reward. The user spam invited me just before the boss sending 32 seperate invites and forced me to orbit, I spent ages hoping for this mission and now this act of pure maliciousness has robed me of my chance of a drop which I know is RNG but is still Pacific to one strike.
I will give the user name if requested by a mentor or email.
Best thing you can do is to block said player, report to whichever console you are on for spam and move on. Bungie [b]does not[/b] ban any user just because another user requests it.